has anyone ever mounted their accusump in the front?

20 March 2008
Colorado Springs, CO
I don't have my spare in my car any more and there is plenty of room behind the hood duct to fit it, has anyone else mounted it there?

If you did, how much hose did you end up using?
no. You want it close to the engine, because the whole idea is to dump the oil into the engine as quick as possible and under pressure. Such a long run to the front would defeat that purpose. I mounted mine in the trunk. You can also mount it in the fender area behind the right wheel (but I have my SOS oil cooler there) or there are some pics of John from Microsoft's setup where he mounted it on the rear shock tower brace in the engine compartment. There are lots of options, but the front would be a poor choice because of the distance.
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I've seen some raced out Pcars with an Accusump in the front (and 944s in the rear) and I was a little perplexed. Maybe it was a space issue that I'm not privy to but my thought that was that they were limiting the effectiveness of their Accusump by installing it so far away from the motor.

FWIW Tom, exiges mount their accusump fairly close to the motor. And IMHO, you should mount it relatively close to the engine and some place where it can't get hit by any stones or close to any high heat zones.