Happy New Years from Scotland

Wishing you and your family a safe and joyous New Year! See if you can find that right-hand drive NSX!!! : )
Happy New Years Mario and to all here.
To Mario, have a safe and memorable time there.

To the rest of my friends, a joyous and uneventful New Year's Eve.
Are you back? If not, enjoy the rest of the trip. I was there in March and it was cold, can't imagine right now.
Are you back? If not, enjoy the rest of the trip. I was there in March and it was cold, can't imagine right now.

Hello Phong!

Yes I'm back. We returned on the 10th. The first half of the trip was in Scotland, near Glasgow. And, yes it was cold and rainy, but we were there for a wedding and to visit my wife's relatives, so it was not necessarily a sight seeing trip. We did take a day trip to Edinburgh were it snowed for a few minutes when we were taking in the picture-st views from Edinburgh castle.

We spent the last half of the trip in Birmingham and London. I tried to set up a meeting with an NSX owner in Stafford-upon-Avon (the birthplace of William Shakespeare), but our communications were not timely so I missed meeting him and is yellow 96 right-hand-drive NSX. I never saw an NSX in London, but there were many 911's, Austin Martins, Bentley's and Rolls, but no F or L cars. Probably put away for the winter. The weather in England was still cold but no rain. So we toured London for two days. A great city for those who love history and historical architecture.

PS: There is an NSXPrime like website for NSX owners in the UK. Its called NSXCB (NSX Club Briton) and is modeled after NSX Prime. I became a member and communicated with some NSX owners to try and set a meting with them while I was there. Winter was a bad time in that most NSX had been put away for the winter. They were a nice group.
Welcome back Mario, be back in LA in a few days as well.
I am in Shanghai right on the 25th floor at one of the many gigantic buildings they have here.

Every day I am thankful for surviving a ride in the taxi...."I don't want to die today, please god let the next destination be close" :eek:

I will never ever ever ever everrr complain about LA traffic again. "Chris Tucker"

It's interesting to involuntarily smoke a pack of cigarettes a day here since every where they smoke. In the restaurants, elevators, cars, hotels, offices, bathrooms, parks, etc.

Other than that I am having a great time seeing and experiencing the wonderful hospitality, scenery and food here.

I don't think there has been a day that I haven't had to drink alcohol.

I don't even remember how I got back to one of the hotels I was staying at. :cool:
I am in Shanghai right on the 25th floor at one of the many gigantic buildings they have here.

Every day I am thankful for surviving a ride in the taxi...."I don't want to die today, please god let the next destination be close" :eek:

I will never ever ever ever everrr complain about LA traffic again. "Chris Tucker"

It's interesting to involuntarily smoke a pack of cigarettes a day here since every where they smoke. In the restaurants, elevators, cars, hotels, offices, bathrooms, parks, etc.

Other than that I am having a great time seeing and experiencing the wonderful hospitality, scenery and food here.

I don't think there has been a day that I haven't had to drink alcohol.

I don't even remember how I got back to one of the hotels I was staying at. :cool:

Watch out for ruppies! Don't pull a "Hang Over II" on us LOL!!!!!! One of my stepsons is in China some where and he takes a taxi to work everyday, and he too talks about the scary rides to and from work. He says that few to none obey traffic laws. Driving on the sidewalk is not uncommon, and the first one to the narrow (one lane bridge) wins. He says its 10 times worse than Tijuana or Manhattan!!!!
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Just imagine someone trying to drive like Billy Johnson in a Taxi except theres no run off, safety barriers, with cars and people coming at you in all directions.

Even if the margin to squeeze in is not there they will still squeeze in.

I can pretty much roll down my window and ask the guy next to me if he wants a mint and give it to him and exchange high fives.

The sidewalk is basically pedistrian/moped way and sometimes cars.

The lights, painted street lanes, signs are all for show....no one abides by anything. Its basically im coming over so make room and its not very pleasant when a giant tour bus is doing that to you when you are in a little taxi that looks like if we got hit it would basically crush into a tin can.

I need to record a clip on my Iphone to show you how crossing the street is like playing frogger except your the frog.

And don't worry about the Hangover 2 part, I won't let that happen to me.......I hope.....:eek:

I'll miss some things here, but definitely I will not miss the chaotic traffic they got here going on and the smoking. :cool:

Not trying to thread jack you here Mario. =D
Just imagine someone trying to drive like Billy Johnson in a Taxi except theres no run off, safety barriers, with cars and people coming at you in all directions.

Even if the margin to squeeze in is not there they will still squeeze in.

I can pretty much roll down my window and ask the guy next to me if he wants a mint and give it to him and exchange high fives.

The sidewalk is basically pedistrian/moped way and sometimes cars.

The lights, painted street lanes, signs are all for show....no one abides by anything. Its basically im coming over so make room and its not very pleasant when a giant tour bus is doing that to you when you are in a little taxi that looks like if we got hit it would basically crush into a tin can.

I need to record a clip on my Iphone to show you how crossing the street is like playing frogger except your the frog.

And don't worry about the Hangover 2 part, I won't let that happen to me.......I hope.....:eek:

I'll miss some things here, but definitely I will not miss the chaotic traffic they got here going on and the smoking. :cool:

Not trying to thread jack you here Mario. =D

No problem. We should start a new thread on world travel stories by NSX owners. I'm sure we would get a good laugh at our experiences!!!!!
Oh no, we knew it was coming!!!!!! Yup photos from Scotland and England.

Edinburgh, Scotland



Stafford-upon-Avon - House where Shakespeare was born.


English Midlands Countryside



London - Big Ben


London - Tower Bridge


London - Tower of London


London - Buckingham Palace


London - Westminster Abbey
