Happy New Year!

13 September 2000
Tulsa, OK
With all of the ups and downs, highs and lows, of 2014, here's a Happy New Year to you and yours.

Also, the NSX 2.0 is coming out this year. ;)
Every new year I'm amazed how fast our lives go....
Have a great 2015 guys!
Happy New Years guys!

Every new year I'm amazed how fast our lives go....

I have a theory of why this seems to happen since now I'm approaching my 30s and it does seem true every year and day seems to go by faster than what I remember as a kid.

I think it has to do with the change of unit of time relative to your time on earth. Here's a little picture I put together to show what I mean. If we don't change the length of the bar because of the addition of each second but instead just represent our whole life as the bar itself then our perception of time changes every second that goes by. The change is so small by the time we start to form memories we don't notice these changes to time but over larger periods of time and comparing our memories of time itself we notice the change. At least that's my crazy idea and I'm sticking with it lol.
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