Happy New Year Everyone!

26 February 2006
Alki Ave. Seattle - Lynnwood, WA - Monterey, CA
Happy New Year everyone! This year will be a great year for us i am sure. 2008 is here, my car will be 18 years old in June 08......eighteen candles :cool: according to the label on the side of the car, my car was built on 6/90. Make way for grandpa(me) when you guys see me on the road.:biggrin:
Happy New Year everyone! This year will be a great year for us i am sure. 2008 is here, my car will be 18 years old in June 08......eighteen candles :cool: according to the label on the side of the car, my car was built on 6/90. Make way for grandpa(me) when you guys see me on the road.:biggrin:

What # is yours? I have to check my build date, but I'm 1049

Hey, speaking of old age....anyone know the rules in WA state (King County) as far as age of car and emissions? I'm pretty sure once you're past 20 you don't have to have it tested anymore... Anyone know for sure?
(Thinking Turbo here!)

Oh, and Happy New Year!