Happy Holidays

8 June 2008
Hi Guys,

Sorry I havent been around. Crazy at work at was in Thailand for vaction. Just want to wish every one happy and safe holidays.

I was able to snuck my X out right before the snow storm to give her some much needed exercise haha.

Welcome back Bernard. Hope you had a nice Christmas vacation. I bought a new NSX while you were out of the country. Probably see you in March or April. Take care.
Welcome back Bernard. Hope you had a nice Christmas vacation. I bought a new NSX while you were out of the country. Probably see you in March or April. Take care.

Now you've got me thoroughly confused Rich. First you said your wife got you a "newer" NSX, now you say that you got a "new" NSX, I didn't even know that they were still making them!!!!:eek::wink:
Now you've got me thoroughly confused Rich. First you said your wife got you a "newer" NSX, now you say that you got a "new" NSX, I didn't even know that they were still making them!!!!:eek::wink:
It's not new ... new! It's new to me. And she did get it for me, but I didn't want to sound like a "deadbeat non-earner!" :biggrin::biggrin:
You a ...........


Welcome back Bernard. Hope you had a nice Christmas vacation. I bought a new NSX while you were out of the country. Probably see you in March or April. Take care.

Congrats Rich! That was quick, I saw you were looking for a newer one. Lets see some pics...
You a ...........



Shhhhh! Keep your mouth shut Joe! :eek:

Delivery from Florida next week. After that, say anything you want. I thought you knew, we guys gotta stick together. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Thanks. Car will be in the garage next week and pics to follow. :smile:

If it has a tan interior you could just take picks of the one in your garage currently and tell us its the new one. :tongue:
You the same aaron i met at tgif? First time i wasnt the only nsx at a non nsx meet haha. Nice meeting ya.
You the same aaron i met at tgif? First time i wasnt the only nsx at a non nsx meet haha. Nice meeting ya.

Yes sir that was me. It was a pretty good turnout for such a damn cold night. I need a ride in the SCed NSX at some point so I can tempt myself. :biggrin: