Happy Holidays Everyone


Cheers..... :smile:
Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Back to work... :redface:
here is best wishes to all the members in TX. Cheers, Merry Christmas and have a Great New Year. Hope to see some of you in 08!
Hey Jose, Happy Christmas and Merry New years to you and your family and the rest of the Texas NSx owners on Prime...:smile:

Happy Holidays

Thanks Gil and Jonnalyn!

Gil are you still in town or back in Iraq?
Belated Christmas to everyone and Happy New Years. Hope that you all are healthy and having a blast. Z..... I might be back in your neck of the woods again to hang out with Patrick Hart... I'll hit you up the week I o up there.

Belated Christmas to everyone and Happy New Years. Hope that you all are healthy and having a blast. Z..... I might be back in your neck of the woods again to hang out with Patrick Hart... I'll hit you up the week I o up there.


Jonna, definitely give me a ring! Bring some single friends too! :biggrin: Lets start 08 off right! haha j/k