Happy Day For Me!!!

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
I'm so happy right now. I just got my liscence today at about 12:00 and passed the test with no problem. Now I am a real driver, this means I'm one step closer to being able to drive a NSX. Now I just need to learn how to drive a standard car and I'll be pretty much ready to get in the driver seat of a NSX.

I feel so great, I now have the choice of being able to drive to places on my own. Maybe if I can get a job and get enough money and buy myself a car (any car) I can go to the Northeast NSXPO and see you guys driving and stuff. It would be cool just seeing it, so maybe I'll see you guys at NSXPO.

Well just wanted to tell you guys just because its special to me.
I also wanted to post just to let you guys know that I'm still here it just that I don't post much anymore.
Don't crash for any reasons! Do that, and your insurance will be ok.
Whoa! That sounded a little scary there. It was something that I wasn't expecting to read but thanks for the information. Realy appriciate it.

The above precaution is apt. Most dumb accidents happen with young folks too busy with the passengers or radio/cell phone. Remember you now have control over something that can kill you and many others. Use it wisely, and enjoy the responsibility and freedom. Hope to see you at NSXPO2004!!!
Congrats! Be careful out there!

Congrats. :cool:

Strive to be a VERY SAFE driver; do everything by the book.
Because give it a few years, and you'll be making lots of shortcuts and taking little risks. :D
Yay! :) congrats and be careful!
That is exactly what I'm striving for, to not get a ticket or accident till I'm 21, If I can do this I should have only 9 points on my record and my <A TITLE="Click for more information about insurance" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1||||insurance|AA1VDw">insurance</A> will be as low as it can be. Don't get me wrong I'm not going to go crazy after 21 but I just want my insurance to be as low as possible and do it as fast as I can. Oh and I won't ever be in a situation with a cell phone I totaly loathe cell phones, they make me sick when seeing them being used on the road.

Thanks and yes I hope I can just go to NSXPO and see the big event with my eyes and not through the computer monitor. Hope to see you guys there this year.
