Happy Birthday SteveNY

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
Healthy Happy Birthday my friend, go and drive that 360, top down!!:cool:
Thanks Roger. The battery is dead on the car. They start it up every week over the winter but left something on last time and it drained the battery down. I would certainly love to take it for a drive today if I didn't have to move several other cars to get it out of the showroom. Probably another month and I will have it out again.

Been busy moving into the new house and I am really wiped out, have been for a week. I am too much of a perfectionist and hate when anything is out of place so I have been keeping late hours and getting up early to unpack my stuff. The crazy part is I sold a bunch of crap too before I moved and I still have way too much stuff.

To everyone who has been calling me, I am not avoiding you I am just really busy. I will get back to everyone who has called.

PS. Here is a good story,

The first day of moving... second load is being unloaded at 11:30PM still have more loads to get. Renee lets the dog out to pee at the new house and the dog takes off through the woods. I am chasing the dog around with a flashlight until 12:30 in the morning. Then I come in the house to take a shower, no water pressure. Lay down on the mattress on the floor sheets sticking to me because of no shower. Wake up an hour later, no heat. Cover myself with more blankets and make sure Renee and the baby are warm. The next morning, tire blows out on the Benz...second one in less than 2 weeks and they were both less than 6 months old. Oh well thats the way it goes I guess. Good news is only a few things were broken during the move and all of it can be replaced.

First thing I did....hooked up ROCKBAND then had the water fixed. :D

The new house is amazing. It's just so damn BIG.
Hay Steve :tongue:

Seriously, Happpy Birthday!

First thing I did....hooked up ROCKBAND then had the water fixed. :D

Haha that's pretty funny. I think hooking up my xbox was one of the LAST things I did last time I moved cuz I knew once that was done the rest of unpacking would go out the window. :wink:

Sounds like the next thing you need is a fence.
Haha that's pretty funny. I think hooking up my xbox was one of the LAST things I did last time I moved cuz I knew once that was done the rest of unpacking would go out the window. :wink:

Sounds like the next thing you need is a fence.

I have the wireless fence. I didn't plug it in though because I had to train the dog first so she didn't get a shock. She is all good now, can roam around the yard and check the place out. Lot's to do Doug, when you coming out?
Sounds like a busy schedual,but once the house is sorted you can go back to post whoring!:tongue: BTW happy Birthday:smile:
happy birthday:biggrin:
hey it's still 3.21 in hawaii!! this post is NOT belated!:rolleyes:
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Happy birthday Steve:smile: