Happy birthday RSO34

20 September 2004
El Paso, TX
Happy healthy birthday old man, you're gaining on me!
Happy healthy birthday old man, you're gaining on me!

That's pretty scary Rog the one thing you don't want him to do is :eek::eek: CATCH UP :eek::eek:

:cool:Happy Birthday Bubbie :cool:

Hope you have a day off from the rigors of legaldom and are off enjoying a drive and photographic adventure :smile:

All the best from me and the Brady Bunch
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. For the first time in many years I actually had to come to work on my birthday. :frown: I usually take the day to go for a drive with my camera gear but couldn't swing it this time around. But at least that means more shutter life left on the camera to compete with Tony and Alan (and Alan's new secret weapon - watch out Tony.....) next week at Lime Rock.

Now I better walk around the office all mopey until someone feels sorry for me and gets me a cake.......
Happy Birthday Bob!!!!!!!

So now that you are older, admit it, you forgot your birthday when you went and gave Don your camera gear, got up this morning, and said: "mmm...where is my camera gear?" You realized you now have CRS (Can't Remember Shit), so you thought to yourself, I guess I should go to work. But.......you can't seem to remember where work is! LOL

Enjoy your day, even though you will not remember it tomorrow!!!

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Happy Birthday Bob!!!!!!!

So now that you are older, admit it, you forgot your birthday when you went a gave Don your camera gear, got up this morning, and sad: "mmm...where is my camera gear?" You realized you now have CRS (Can't Remeber Shit), so you thought to yourself, I guess I should go to work. But.......you can't seem to remember where work is! LOL

Enjoy your day, even though you will not remember it tomorrow!!!


Who are you?
Happy Happy Birthday, Bob!!

Thanks so much for everything that you have done for this community.
Hope you get to smell some roses oh mighty Oracle! Now if I had any internet skills I would take your turbaned pic and put it on a dancing elf!
Happy Birthday Bob! You have the permission from everyone in the Prime community to take the rest of the day off.

Enjoy the day!:wink:
Re: cue Tom Jones music...

Happy birfday, Bob!


(I still have some of your fab' pics as backgrounds for my 'pooterz...)
Love it, the "non animated" version of "dancing Spidey"!!!!!:cool:
Have a happy birthday Bob, see ya at Lime Rock.

Happy Birthday Bob! Keep up the good work! :biggrin:
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It is on this day, in the presence of those who share the same beliefs, that I wish to express my undying devotion to the Oracle!

Happy Birthday RSO34!
Happy birthday Bob!! See ya soon - Clem & Family:smile: [SE="5"][/SIZE]
Clem, hard to believe, but you were on time. I'm sure that you started typing the message last week. Glad that you go it in on time!!!!:eek: