Happy Birthday Roger!

28 March 2002
Happy Birthday Roger
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Thanks, wish I could say I was enjoying today, but................ :(
chin up Roger .....I'm trying to do the same
okay, today you can be FIRST! Happy B-Day Roger..............all the best!
Happy Birthday buddy and cheer up! We all get them, every year, so you know it's coming, nothing we can do about it so make the best of it. Hope you had a good one.

Wishing you the best,
Tytus and Basia
Thank you all for the calls, texts etc. Tytus, birthdays make me happy, and I'm ready to celebrate each day, and each birthday. Unfortunately, this year it's different. My mother's birthday, is the day before mine, and we had all the kids and grandkids up, to help her celebrate what will surely be her last birthday. She told my daughter, and son-in-law to be, that she was sorry, she didn't think she'd make it to their wedding in May. It kind of takes away the normal joy, and makes it difficult to celebrate, so my day was kind of subdued.
Thank you all, for the BD wishes, and the calls afterwards. Mom passed away on Tuesday 2/24, and I'm grateful to my NSX family for being there, calling, texting, and giving me hugs in person, and virtually. She's finally at peace.