Happy Birthday Passline

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
Rich, wishing you a healthy and happy birthday!! Now someone give the man a dancing spidey!!!
Rich man have a good day.....hope you are feeling strong.
Thanks for the BD greetings, spidey and well wishes. Felt great soon after I came home from the run on Sunday. Had some breathing difficulties on the drive and did not have my Nitro with me. That's all. Need to get used to this new way of life as Roger told me. Had a great day yesterday with Jeanne and will celebrate with the kids tonight in K-town for dinner.
Thanks again.

PS: and Happy Birthday Kid.
Happy BDay Rich from the Great White North chick! All the best and glad you're getting out and having FUN!
Happy Belated Birthday Rich...See you soon at the next run and boy have I got a surprise for you...Those that made it to the end know what I mean so I will be back if you come on the next one..

Happy Beyond belated bday Rich! Hope your doing well and would love to catch up, I'll supply the Patron.
Glad you're feeling better! Happy Birthday Young Man!