Happy Birthday Passline

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
Rich, I hope you have a great birthday, now someone give the man a dancing "spidey"!!!
big retiree B-day boo-ya to ya.
Happy Birthday Rich, maybe a drink in Long Branch in the near future? My treat! :biggrin:
Happy Birthday Rich, maybe a drink in Long Branch in the near future? My treat! :biggrin:

Hey....................... wait a minute. Sorry, I almost forgot. I remember from last year, your B-day was the day after mine (Aug 12th).

So, Happy Birthday to you too!

After that one, next drink will be on me. :smile:
Happy B'day Rich, see you at Expo!

just saw this, rich, belated happy b'day to you. i hear doug is buying you lunch @ the top of the mark when you're in town! :eek:

see you soon.
Sorry Rich. Been out of town. Mine is a VERY belated wish. Happy Birthday.

BTW, you can't possibly be at retirement age because the new retirement age is
N E V E R ! :smile:
Happy Belated Birthday Rich
Hi Rich,

Hope you had a very happy birthday. And here is a very belated birthday dancing spider for you!

I know i'm late but did you have to send a damn earthquake and a hurricane to remind me...........

hope it was spideyful!

Clem, is that you, did you hack Bob's computer?:biggrin: