Happy Birthday, Litesokneecough!

4 February 2000
Chicago IL
Thanks all! Man, I have a wild evening planned.....going to take my Civic in for SMOG, then I'm going home and mow the lawn! I do have tomorrow off but don't have anything planned except for getting some extra sleep.

As for seeing you Saturday Chops, it's a go; however, I may not be driving the NSX as all the stuff we are bring to the party won't fit in the trunk. May have to take the CL or Civic. My wife was not too keen on me driving the NSX and her following, but let me work in that tonight/tomorrow.

I did find the tape and watched it one more time. I've seen it enough that you can just keep the tape or give it to someone else to watch. I'll call you some time Friday and let you know if I'm bring the NSX.

One other thing....I'm so grateful that I have been given the chance to drive/own an NSX. And thanks to this Forum, I am able to do just that. Too bad we all live so far from each other. It would be wonderful to get everyone here together in person, with their cars, and get to know each other on a more personal basis.

Have a good NSX day!!
Being a relatively new member I may have missed a previous explanation (or maybe its obvious & I'm just thick)- it's driving me nuts, Litesokneecough - what does it mean??
Have a Happy Birthday, whoever you are!!!
Happy Birthday G!
So... this is the party you were referring to this weekend. I'm sure you and your wife will have a good time hanging out with Fester and company. Please say hi to him for me.
I wish I knew it was your bday today when I was talking to you on the phone yesterday so I could have wished it to you in person.

I'll let you know how Yosemite went. I may even have the event videotaped.
BTW, what is this tape you are referring to? K. and I would like to see it if has any NSX content.
I'll be up in Merced Friday evening, but hopefully we'll meet Sunday morning before C. and I go back to San Jose.

Take care,
Hi J,

You and K drive safely tomorrow. Good luck on the "Event", but from what you have told me already, it should be a "GO".

Try to get some pics of your's and K's NSX with the Yosemite back-drop. I don't recall seeing any pics like that on this forum. You might be the first. Sure wish I could go with you.

I'm meeting up with Chops and maybe some others Saturday. Will probably go for a little drive. The tape we are referring to is an hour show that was broadcast on the History Channel International. If you get Direct TV, it's channel 271 I think. Anyway, the show is about Mr. Honda and how he started Honda Motor Co. The last 5 minutes or so talk about the NSX. Not real detailed but still interesting. If you'd like to see the tape, maybe you can get it from Chops since he lives in the bay area too.

If you'd like to get together for a bit Friday night, just call. If not, will see you Sunday morning. Have a good time with K and the girls.


The Honda Civic passes SMOG with flying colors.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Stock as a rock - #0030

[This message has been edited by Litesokneecough (edited 15 August 2002).]