Happy Birthday Gheba_nsx!!!

2 October 2001

Giuseppe, I had trouble finding an NSX birthday cake for your special day, but i found something even more approperiate for you: A Race Car Piñata (see pix below).

<A HREF="http://www.birthdayexpress.com/bexpress/product.asp?sku=60751"><IMG SRC="http://birthdayexpress.speedera.net/images.birthdayexpress.com/bexpress/assets/product_images/60751.jpg" border=0></A>

Now the whole idea behind this Piñata is instead of hitting it, you place it on top of the HUGE white ice-cream cake which has a slopping top of about 30degree's... and you let it "snow slide" down the cake. If it falls on the floor and crashes, you win the candy! :D :D :D

Since you like driving your NSX in the snow and sliding down those icy roads i think you'll enjoy this birthday game VERY MUCH! :D :p

For those who don't have a clue what i'm taking about, this thread will refresh your memory: http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25388&highlight=gheba+snow
Thanks David, I had a bit of a party yesterday... I only watched the invoice of the bar now, we were 18 people (7 girls... = very light drinkers :) ) and it was written:

10 x 2l Cardinal Beer Pitcher :cool:


I was a bit too drunk to understand at that moment how much we 9 men drunk when I paid :p :redface:
Hi Giuseppe

Happy birthday yesterday.

My palmtop told me it was your birthday but I was busy putting my NSX to rest in a garage 100km away so I forgot to send you a sms.

Damn I had a nice trip in cold cold weather yesterday. Sounds like your saturday was fun too..but maybe your sunday is not that fun :biggrin:
