Happy Birthday Clem!!!

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
I don't want you to think I forgot, or that I'm late!!!
Healthy Happy Birthday and many more!!!
Hi guys & Gal; Thankyou & will see my amigo's on Sunday at Bridgewater.. Im
glad to see that my bud Roger was first to remember.. I will be delivering your be late'd B Day gift on Sunday . Regards to all; Clem:biggrin:
Hi guys & Gal; Thankyou & will see my amigo's on Sunday at Bridgewater.. Im
glad to see that my bud Roger was first to remember.. I will be delivering your be late'd B Day gift on Sunday . Regards to all; Clem:biggrin:
Clem, I hope that you're already on the road to Bridgewater, you don't want to be late!!!!:eek:
see you Sunday...
A big thank you to Clem for my "birthday" gift!!!! Just so everyone knows, Clem appreciates a good car, no matter who makes it (yeah RSO!!):wink:
Happy Birthday Clem, was good to see ya at the NSX Stock event.

Happy Birthday Clem
Good to see you today and looking Clemtastic:cool:
See you at the Walk on June 5th

Stay well youngster!
Have a happy and healthy year ahead!

Alan & Roberta