Happy Birthday Alan (Climberao)

28 March 2002
One step closer to senility - - - I mean retirement. Have a great one!

One step closer to senility - - - I mean retirement. Have a great one!

Hey, I resemble that remark!!!

Alan, have a healthy, happy birthday, and congrats again on the engagement!!!
happy birthday alan!!!
Alan,great news about the engagement,your next chapter in the book of life :smile: Oh happy B-day as well.
Happy B-Day old fella:biggrin:
:smile: Thanks for the Birthday and engagement greetings :smile:

Bob as you said I AM one step closer to retirement and Roberta and I are actually planning TOGETHER for that now. A big part of the plan is to travel the country in the NSX and enjoy life at high speed (all PBA card donations will be gratefully accepted) :biggrin:

:biggrin: I may be OLDER but as Peter, Clem and Roger will attest we only get better as we age and as Bailey said you're only as old as you feel and I still feel like a kid even though I no longer move like one :cool:
Happy Birthday Alan and many more. Glad to hear all the great news. Don't forget to include sunny Floriday in your future travel plans. We always have room as the Rolex 24 hour crowd can attest. It should hit the 80's by the end of the week for all you northeasters still wearing coats.
David & Susan