Happy 60th to RPM217!!!

28 March 2002
You don't look too bad for an old bastard..........

Happy Birthday Roger
We hope it's fun, healthy and happy and we'll see you soon to celebrate in person (grilled chicken and mixed greens all around) :cool:
Alan & Roberta
Well you guys are all rushing it, still have another year to enjoy my 50's. Next year is the year of the new decade!!!! I still can't join BAP racing or bowling as I'm not folically challenged (well not totally at least!)!:eek:
wow trish's Bday also the 17th...happy one for you Roger.
Hi Roger; allow me to be the last to wish you Happy Birthday, well I knew you didnt look anywhere near 60 ole pal.. Stay Happy & Healthy Regaards Clem..PS you much younger than BOB..:biggrin:
Hi Roger; allow me to be the last to wish you Happy Birthday, well I knew you didnt look anywhere near 60 ole pal.. Stay Happy & Healthy Regaards Clem..PS you much younger than BOB..:biggrin:
Thanks Clem, and why don't we just say that you're the first person to wish me a happy 60th next Feb, and that way you're early, not late!!!!:wink:
Happy B'Day Roger be it 60 or 59 you don't look a day over 58!
Hope you had a good one buddy.:biggrin:

Happy Birthday Roger

WOW 59, congrats, you know how Bob ages you:), your not going to get all cranky on us now are you??:D:D:D

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Happy Birthday Roger

WOW 59, congrats, you know how Bob ages you:), your not going to get all cranky on us now are you??:D:D:D


Even with my "check engine" light on, did I seem cranky on Saturday?:biggrin: