Hair Loss!!!

3 May 2003
Henderson, NV
I first tried the search option, and was very surprised to find that this topic has Never been discussed before :eek: . Are we all too embarrassed to talk about our balding heads, or does owning an NSX result in one to have Thick hair FOREVER?!! If the latter is true, then I will soon be in the market for an NSX :D .

I'm only 21 and I've always had thin hair. Recently it seems my hair has stopped growing, and now it's dying and falling out :confused: ! I want it to STOP! I feel that I'm too young to be loosing my hair. What do I do? Hair loss is commom in males, so I was wondering what others have done to treat their balding heads. What products should I use, and what products should be avoided? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I'm 21 as well and my hairline is slowly receeding...not noticeable but its also thinning in the front of my head. I'm too embarassed to buy those thickening shampoos for men...i feel im still too young lol.

My advice: stop using hairsprays when not necessary, don't wear hats too often and use conditioner to strengthen hair.

Anyone out there use any of those shampoo's or anything that have been successful??
What... none of you heard of the NSX rogain headliner option? I think you can even get it retrofitted (like the 6 CD changer)... the salesman told me it came in a spray can and in several flattering colors. (grin).
i cant tell you if it really works or not, but propecia is supposed to be really good. Mostly it helps BEFORE the hair has fallen out. Although it claims to regrow some hair also.

My personal opinion, having shaved my head before, is that i'd make sure you are ok being totally bald......It is a freeing experience....
I don't know about Propecia... read some of the possible side effects!
[Quoted from Propecia's own webpage]

What are the possible side effects of PROPECIA?

Like all prescription products, PROPECIA may cause side effects. In clinical studies, side effects from PROPECIA were uncommon and did not affect most men. A small number of men experienced certain sexual side effects. These men reported one or more of the following: less desire for sex; difficulty in achieving an erection; and, a decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these side effects occurred in less than 2% of men. These side effects went away in men who stopped taking PROPECIA. They also disappeared in most men who continued taking PROPECIA.

In general use, the following have been reported: allergic reactions including rash, itching, hives and swelling of the lips and face; problems with ejaculation; breast tenderness and enlargement; and testicular pain. You should promptly report to your doctor any changes in your breasts such as lumps, pain or nipple discharge. Tell your doctor promptly about these or any other unusual side effects.
Kaz said:
I don't know about Propecia... read some of the possible side effects!
[Quoted from Propecia's own webpage]

What are the possible side effects of PROPECIA?

Like all prescription products, PROPECIA may cause side effects. In clinical studies, side effects from PROPECIA were uncommon and did not affect most men. A small number of men experienced certain sexual side effects. These men reported one or more of the following: less desire for sex; difficulty in achieving an erection; and, a decrease in the amount of semen. Each of these side effects occurred in less than 2% of men. These side effects went away in men who stopped taking PROPECIA. They also disappeared in most men who continued taking PROPECIA.

In general use, the following have been reported: allergic reactions including rash, itching, hives and swelling of the lips and face; problems with ejaculation; breast tenderness and enlargement; and testicular pain. You should promptly report to your doctor any changes in your breasts such as lumps, pain or nipple discharge. Tell your doctor promptly about these or any other unusual side effects.

EVERY drug has side effects. Hell, even Tylenol has them. Manufacturers have to print that to cover their butts. It doesn't mean you will automatically show any signs and symptoms of it.
It's wierd how as I lose more hair on my head, I gain that much more coming out of my nose, ears, and back. ugh
I thought propecia grows hair on the back of your head, but not in the front, so it won't help.

I think a transplant is probably the only way to go...
Propecia blocks the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, its active form. Dihydrotestoserone leads to the secondary sexual characteristics such as facial hair, hair loss, etc. By blocking its effects you can affect these other things as well. It is also important that women not handle any pills as with any steroid-based hormone it can be absorbed through the skin. In pregnant women, high enough doses can make male fetuses turn out externally female due the effects mentioned above. Most of the people that I know who are taking it have not complained of side effects but they do notice thinning of arm, chest hair etc.

Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of good treatments for male pattern balding out there but if you want to make a fortune, come up with one. It would sell better than Viagra.
I tried Rogaine but I spilled it on my back and now I look like a freaking silver backed ape. Just kidding. :D :D :D

I have not had any problems with baldness. I try not to use too much gel or hairspray. When I do put in some type of holding agent I try to use something which does not make hair brittle, wax works by Paul Mitchell works very well for me. I also rarely wear a hat unless I am just running out for a bit and don't feel like getting pretty for the world. Also key is using a good shampoo/conditioner IMO, Phytorganic's by Nexus is very good shampoo.

But it comes right down to, if your mothers father was bald you have a good chance of being bald too. Genes, it is all in the genes.
I went the same route as a lot of other people here semm to have done. I got rid of my "problem" by shaving it all off. I wasn't bald by any means, but I could see the writing on the wall as my hairline moved more and more up my forehead.

Bald is beautiful, but make sure your head will look good without the hair. My entire squadron shaved our heads a few years ago to support one of our fellow pilots who had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and some of the guys looked extremely ugly with their heads shaved. There are certain head shapes that look good bald, and some that make the person look like either an alien or a walking skeleton.
I have a buddy that was really thin on top to where you could see his scalp i the front and on top. The next time I saw him a year later he had a FULL head of hair. It completely grew back and he used propecia. Another friend of his didn't grow any new, but it stopped it from falling out. I have heard of a lot of people with Avacor having good results. It should stop it from continuing and hopefully grow back some new.
Thanks for all the input :)

Here's what I've decided... First I'll try shaving it all off and if I look ugly with no hair, then I will try Propecia. I researched a few hair products, and it seems Popecia is the most honest about their product when it comes to what it may or may not do. IMO Many of the online web sites weren't too forward about their products and some appeared to be scams.

I'm a little scared to shave my head. When I had more hair my dew was often the "Messy hair look;" the ladies seemed to like it that way ;) . Now that my hair is thinning I only wear it down, which looks rather boring. I'm afraid shaving it might make it look scary. Well.... I guess there's only one way to find out :cool: !
people always told me "you're losing your hair." and i would reply "no i'm not, i know exactly where it is...on the bathroom floor!"

the more hair i lose, the more head i get... :cool:
BTW does anyone know how much these pills like propicia cost on average for a year prescription?

I mean if the cost is = to a set of AO22H0 then I can see spending the money for some hair. :D