Hail storm went pass Manhattan/Bronx...and up north today:(

19 April 2005
I was working in the office this morning in Manhattan when I saw the hail storm passed by. The storm looked bad but I had no idea how bad it was going to be at home (Bronx). I have a one car garage, so the NSX stays in there, but my Cayenne and 325cic is outside :(. I called my wife so she can put the cayenne under the tree in our driveway to get some protection. The BMW has no choice but to stay on the driveway without any protection.

My wife called around 2PM and gave me the demage report; the Cayenne is safe, some small scratches on the hood but to be determined on the damage when I wax it. The BMW's hood is done...hail storm dings all over the place, some dings on the trunk...it is a convertible, so the roof is okay. I will try to post the video of the storm...the street was floating ICE.:eek:

I am glad the NSX was protected in the garage without any harm and I hope everyone's NSX is okay.

Thinking about painting the BMW, can you get insurance company to pay for paint job from hail storm?
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Don't know the answer, but I share your pain. We were supposed to get hail yesterday, so I made it a point to drive the TL home from Carla's before hand. Fortunately, we never got the hail. Good luck with the insurance company.
Sorry to hear that Simon. I ask my wife to always park in the garage at the train station, she never does. Says the line is too long to get out on the way home. Today she didn't again, so I am already expecting the worst. I beleive the insurance companies do pay for hail damage, I will find out as well shortly. It should be covered under comprehensive coverage.

Good luck,

We have had more hail storms this summer than I can ever remember in the past for all summers put together. It has been crazy weather here all summer. Rain almost EVERYDAY, no joke!!:mad:
I never thought hail storm was possible around here:cool: Going home in a few to see the horror in person.
Funny ,I am looking at unmelted pea size hail in my mulch as I type this:frown:.I'll have to more closely inspect the landcruiser .I doubt pea size would cause dents,usualy has to be at least marble size.
I was working in the office this morning in Manhattan when I saw the hail storm passed by. The storm looked bad but I had no idea how bad it was going to be at home (Bronx). I have a one car garage, so the NSX stays in there, but my Cayenne and 325cic is outside :(. I called my wife so she can put the cayenne under the tree in our driveway to get some protection. The BMW has no choice but to stay on the driveway without any protection.

My wife called around 2PM and gave me the demage report; the Cayenne is safe, some small scratches on the hood but to be determined on the damage when I wax it. The BMW's hood is done...hail storm dings all over the place, some dings on the trunk...it is a convertible, so the roof is okay. I will try to post the video of the storm...the street was floating ICE.:eek:

I am glad the NSX was protected in the garage without any harm and I hope everyone's NSX is okay.

Thinking about painting the BMW, can you get insurance company to pay for paint job from hail storm?

June 15th Buffalo had golfball size hail first time ever. The insurance paid me $2790.00 for hail damage to my wife's CL-S. Thank God the NSX was in the Garage! Dent Wizard removed all the dents in one day without painting anything :biggrin:
It is my understanding that hail damage is covered by the typical car insurance policy. Hope everything works out for you.
We had marble size hail, some smaller, some bigger. Two of my neighbor's house roof is all messed up from the hail and lots of cars on my block has dents all over them. My Cayenne had may be 5 little dents on the hood, the BMW had 70-80 little dents on the hood and the trunk :frown:

June 15th Buffalo had golfball size hail first time ever. The insurance paid me $2790.00 for hail damage to my wife's CL-S. Thank God the NSX was in the Garage! Dent Wizard removed all the dents in one day without painting anything :biggrin:

Dent wizard sounds like it is the way to go. Did you have to bring to CL-S to a body shop first for the inspector from the insurance company to check it out? Thanks!
Well I escaped unscathed, wheeeew, no damage to the wife's car.:biggrin: I did check with the insurance company before I got home just in case and hail damage is covered under the comprehensive coverage of your policy, minus whatever deductible you are carrying.

Simon, I hope the insurance company is fair with you and then you can be sporting a new paint job!

Good luck,

Thanks Tytus! I am glad your wife's car is okay. I am going to file a claim and get an estimate. Hopefully the dent wizard can just restore everything.
Wait is this hail coming to Mass my MR2 is out in the open at the moment :confused: and it did look pretty bad out today. Shoot I guess I'll try to move it during lunch break.
Well I dodged another bullet yesterday. Took the NSX to an event in Goshen NY because the forecast was for good weather until the late afternoon and evening hours and I wanted to get some fun driving in in the mountains before the event at 11:00 AM. I was planning to leave about 2:00 PM before any chance of rain. That was the plan.

At about 1:45 PM I hear particulates tapping on a metal door:eek:. I look outside and it is hailing and my NSX is outside in a parking lot, un protected!:eek::eek:. Nothing to do but wait till it stops at this point. I examine the hail and it is about pea size, I try convincing myself that it should be OK.:frown: After the storm passed, the sun came out, I ran to the car and it was unscathed!:biggrin:

That was close. So, Simon, how are you coming along with your hail damage?

we get those type of hailstorms all the time in Calgary...I actually always watch the sky when I am out in the NSX...the dark black and grey cloud structures are an alarm for me and I will leave and take my beauty home immediately! It has saved my ass on a number of occassions.
