Haha, I'll be in a Superbowl commercial


Legendary Member
18 September 2005
Southern California
I got invited to be in the Super bowl Budweiser Commercial shoot this Friday at the universal studio. So when you watch the up coming super bowl, during the Budweiser commercial, if you see a trumpet player with a gold trumpet, in a band uniform, and is an Asian, that will be me:biggrin: The cool thing is, if they decide to use us to record the sound track (Celebration), we'll get paid handsomely!!! $$$ per commercial shown on TV!!! So hope I don't have my self when they audition the band...lol

Been a while since I did a film gig, hope it’s fun!!!
Vancehu said:
So when you watch the up coming super bowl, during the Budweiser commercial, if you see a trumpet player with a gold trumpet, in a band uniform, and is an Asian, that will be me:biggrin:

I snuck into the dress rehearsal and was able to snap a spy photo. Vance neglected to mention that the commercial is for Bush's Baked Beans and their new "farting ain't a bad thing" promotion.

congrats vance... give us another reminder when superbowl time comes around.... :smile:
Hugh said:
I snuck into the dress rehearsal and was able to snap a spy photo. Vance neglected to mention that the commercial is for Bush's Baked Beans and their new "farting ain't a bad thing" promotion.


Hahahaha, I think that was the picture your boy friend you posted. Unlike you, I don't wear a dress - Under any circumstance....lol:biggrin:


NsXMas said:
Pretty sweet.

I have a friend who works in the film industry, and has a friend who did a commercial for Coca Cola. That friend made residual income of six figures per year due to the success of that commercial and the continued play.

Sometimes you can get really lucky.
Thanks, I was on the set of "The Truman Show." We hung out with Jim Carrey, he's quite fun to be with. Also Austin Power 1, the opening sequence, Mike Myer love the band. The funnest one was "The Other Sister," Diane Keaton Hector Alessandro and Tom Skerrit (Viper from Top Gun) were super friendly to talk to.

The worse experience was during the shoot for Coach Carter and a music video for "System of the Down." System of the Down and his crew were just bunch of jerks. Can't believe they don't get busted for smoking weed during the shoot in a public setting.
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