Had a bad week, bad birthday, took it out on a poor M5

27 October 2004
Please just let me rant if you are against kill stories, I have been behaving really good in the past month, zero encounters I plan to keep the streak going.

I have zero excuse. However, this is just one of thoese weeks where I had bad week all week, terrible birthday, etc. Had to woke up early on Saturday morning did not help my mood either.

The E39 M5 (395hp) meet me and challenged me at the wrong time, just one of those days I had to take it out on someone. 3 consecutive lights, 3 runs total, the guy just doesn't give up.

He did some show off first, seem pretty fast, then we both had chance to line up at the light, wasn't sure if he was going or not on the first run.

1st run, he launched 1st, so I knew it was on, usual relaxing 1st gear 2500rpm launch. Won by at least 2~3 cars by 60mph. I let off he then proceed to continuing acceleration and flew by at 80mph+

2nd run, another light followed immediately, this time he is really hyped, chance for a redemption. Same result.

3rd run, yet another light, just one of those one red after another red day. He just doesn't give up, this time he tried too hard, excessive wheel spin, it was really ugly for him. I let off by the time I top first gear at 45mph, not worth my gas.

He picked the wrong car to play with today, even stock NSX will give it a run for its money, NA2 stock will beat it. For get about 400bhp+ CTSC NSX with a driver who had a terrible week. Wrong time, worng guy.

Sorry for the rant
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Nice. Thanks for sharing your story Jason. I enjoyed it. Sounds like you're having too much fun with the SC'd NSX. What's the point of having a super fast car if you're not driving it super fast. I still need to ride in your car. Happy belated B-day by the way
Nice. No apology needed. Thanks for sharing your story Jason. I enjoyed it. Sounds like you're having too much fun with the SC'd NSX. What's the point of having a super fast car if you're not driving it super fast. I still need to ride in your car. Happy belated B-day by the way
Happy belated birthday man......sorry you had a bad birthday? Anyways I think its good that NSX's start showing some of these cars out there that we are not to be messed with. I don't condone wreckless behavior but I don't believe you were being wreckless otherwise you would have not raced the guy if it did not look safe. Anyways good job and make a video next time. :biggrin:
For a 4-door sedan the E39 M5 is certainly a quick car... it's about on par with an E46 M3 in a stop light contest, but has gobs of torque and eats M3's alive from a roll, when weight is not as much of an issue. I imagine the results could have been much closer if it were a freeway pull.

Hopefully the coming week will see a change in fortunes, and happy (late) birthday?
Chinese GP just ended. BMW sucked.

But... My big bro own the same model M5. Every time he visits me, he want to drive my car.

Jason, bad days are out of your system. Thing can only get better from now on.
after the long stormy night, a brighter day lays ahead. sorry to hear about your bad week, and not so happy b-day. We all sometimes lose our cool for whatever reason we have in our personal lives,...but remember, a problem is only as big as 'we' want them to be. Happy B-day J

Im glad you teared that m5 into ribbons
nice to hear.. sometimes it's just worth wild to do something you haven't done for a long time..
I have been to couple of M5 (E39) Meets in the past.

Though none of the M5s were SC'd, some of them were quite heavily modded.

So nsxsupra's assumption is accurate (for my case at least), none of them could catch my then stock NA2.
Happy belated birthday...

Sorry you didn't have a good one this year, but look at it this way... A birthday is just another day really. Don't put too much effort into making it a special day as that just adds to the pressure and the anti-climax if things go wrong!

Unless it's a BIG one like a 21st, 30th, 40th etc... I just plan to have a few drinks with friends and "kick-back"

Best nights are sometimes the un-planned ones! :wink: