Guys more likely to cheat on high-earning women

26 February 2007
37°22′17″N 122°8′15″W
Baffled by how Jesse James could have cheated on his superstar wife, Sandra Bullock ?


Or why Eric Benet stepped out on Halle Berry (Halle Berry!)?


A new study may help explain it. Men who earn significantly less than their female partners, or who earn nothing, are far more likely to cheat than those in relationships where incomes are more or less equal, the study found.

In fact, men who were completely dependent on their partner's income were five times more likely to cheat than men who contributed an equal amount of money to the relationship, according to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.

You’d think such men wouldn’t want to risk their meal ticket. But lower-earning men may be self-medicating their inner macho guy, says Cornell University sociology graduate student Christin Munsch, who conducted the study.

“Having multiple sexual partners may be an attempt to restore gender identity in response to these threats,” she writes. “In other words, for men, sex [outside their relationship] may be an attempt to compensate for feelings of inadequacy with respect to gender identity.”

In fact, says Munsch, we finally have scientific support to the enduring cliché about why any man would drive a Hummer: he’s overcompensating.
But if you’re a woman, here’s the lousy part: “At the other end of the spectrum, those making a lot more are also more likely to cheat,” said Munsch. Men can be bad whether we’re broke or filthy rich.

Does this explain why, say, a guy like singer Benet would not only cheat on Berry but then ask for spousal support during the divorce? Or, conversely, does it explain the uber-famous and rich Tiger’s infatuation with Vegas cocktail waitresses?

Money might not be the issue

Well, maybe, or maybe not. It may not be the money, suggested Christine Whelan, a visiting professor at the University of Pittsburgh and author of “Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women.”

“Money might be a proxy for time away from the spouse,” Whelan said, citing the 2006 Kate Winslet movie “Little Children,” in which a house-husband whose wife is off making documentaries finds companionship at a neighborhood swimming pool with a local stay-at-home mom. On the flip side, when the man is making loads of cash, “you might have a guy working 24/7 cheating on his wife with a secretary or co-worker.”

In case this has sent you scurrying to look at last year’s 1040 forms as if they were marital fortune cookies, “those couples making about the same, or when the men are making a little bit more than the women, appear safest,” Munsch said. She even has a kind of formula: men tend to wander least when their female partner makes 25 percent less than they do.

Munsch's work focused on 18- to 28-year-olds who were married or living together and who had been in the same relationship for at least a year.
Before you go condemning men, though, keep in mind that during the six-year period she studied, 2002 to 2007, less than 7 percent of men “engaged in extradyadic sex” — sounds kinky, but just means they cheated. (More than 3 percent of women cheated, by the way.)

In other words, that’s a small minority. We’re not all quite the rogues you might think. And Munsch pointed out that money was far from the only factor that determined who cheated and who didn’t. Religion, relationship satisfaction, education, and even race played roles, too.

So she’s not arguing that couch potato men, or the guy who’s trying to make a career out of free verse poetry, is a sure bet to stray.

But she does think that male gender roles, and the way they are changing, play a part. “I think American standards of what it means to be a man are a lot to live up to,” she told me. “I think we have a structural problem of how it is defined by every day interactions.” Men who are viewed, or view themselves, as not upholding the male ideal may come to feel inadequate.
Once that happens, it’s either a really big or really fast car, or a nude model with tons of tattoos.
BS guys and girls cheat because they like to have sex with people. Money has nothing to do with it.


GUYS cheat cause they like to have sex with people. :biggrin:

Women cheat because they want attention.

Pure and utter BS. Why are all these articles about trying to figure out men are written by women?

Men cheat because they like sex and think they can get away with it.
In my opinion, guys cheat because they feel more loved and accepted by the women they choose. The women don't expect much from them and the guy feels like a real man without having to do anything but screw her. Simple. I don't think money matters either. Housewife or money maker. Guys want their ego stroked first and then the little head takes over.
In my opinion, guys cheat because they feel more loved and accepted by the women they choose. The women don't expect much from them and the guy feels like a real man without having to do anything but screw her. Simple. I don't think money matters either. Housewife or money maker. Guys want their ego stroked first and then the little head takes over.

Sorry Kyra. It really has nothing to do with all this psychological babble that you would read in a woman's magazine. It's really funny, they write this stuff and all sit there and pat themselves on the back like they've got men all figured out. :tongue:

Men like a variety of sex from multiple partners. And if they think they can get away with it, some will try to. Women want their egos stroked.


Why do men cheat?
Sex: 44 percent
Variety: 40 percent
More satisfying sex: 38 percent
Excitement: 30 percent

So basically- sex sex sex.

Why do women cheat?
Emotional attention: 40 percent
Excitement: 30 percent
Being reassured of their desirability: 33 percent
Falling in love with someone else: 20 percent
More satisfying sex: 20 percent

So basically- ego ego ego.
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Sorry Kyra. It really has nothing to do with all this psychological babble that you would read in a woman's magazine. It's really funny, they write this stuff and all sit there and pat themselves on the back like they've got men all figured out. :tongue:

Men like a variety of sex from multiple partners. And if they think they can get away with it, some will try to. Women want their egos stroked.


Why do men cheat?
Sex: 44 percent
Variety: 40 percent
More satisfying sex: 38 percent
Excitement: 30 percent

So basically- sex sex sex.

Why do women cheat?
Emotional attention: 40 percent
Excitement: 30 percent
Being reassured of their desirability: 33 percent
Falling in love with someone else: 20 percent
More satisfying sex: 20 percent

So basically- ego ego ego.


There was another study that mentioned that the most common reason why men cheat had more to do with feeling being disrespect from women.

GUYS cheat cause they like to have sex with people. :biggrin:

Women cheat because they want attention.


BINGO! It is not complicated, and this sums it up perfectly.

To take it a step further, women enter affairs for attention, men enter for sex, women give in to sex to not lose the attention.

HMMM, kind of sounds like marriage too :smile:
Women and BITCHES!


PS: Sorry, I wanted to give an immature opinion so bad @ this moment! LOL
So if my algebra is correct... When your wife is withholding nookie you hold back the attention.

Thank god i'm not married.. well.. yet

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Sorry Kyra. It really has nothing to do with all this psychological babble that you would read in a woman's magazine. It's really funny, they write this stuff and all sit there and pat themselves on the back like they've got men all figured out. :tongue:

Men like a variety of sex from multiple partners. And if they think they can get away with it, some will try to. Women want their egos stroked.


Why do men cheat?
Sex: 44 percent
Variety: 40 percent
More satisfying sex: 38 percent
Excitement: 30 percent

So basically- sex sex sex.

Why do women cheat?
Emotional attention: 40 percent
Excitement: 30 percent
Being reassured of their desirability: 33 percent
Falling in love with someone else: 20 percent
More satisfying sex: 20 percent

So basically- ego ego ego.

Well, you're male so you should be more correct than I am. My ex husband did cheat on me but I don't think you're correct in his case. I may be wrong but it seems to me that a guy is unhappy in his marriage before he wants sex with another woman. I think the other woman is filling some emotional need for the man, before he considers cheating, just for sex. I didn't get any of my ideas from women's magazines. I don't read that crap.
Well, you're male so you should be more correct than I am. My ex husband did cheat on me but I don't think you're correct in his case. I may be wrong but it seems to me that a guy is unhappy in his marriage before he wants sex with another woman. I think the other woman is filling some emotional need for the man, before he considers cheating, just for sex. I didn't get any of my ideas from women's magazines. I don't read that crap.

U make ur hubby sound like he made a female (aka- emotional) decision for cheating.

Don't sound like a guy to me.

Women are the ones that are emotionally centric. Most off how they conduct themselves are driven by how they "feel".
U make ur hubby sound like he made a female (aka- emotional) decision for cheating.

Don't sound like a guy to me.

Women are the ones that are emotionally centric. Most off how they conduct themselves are driven by how they "feel".

I don't know if you guys have any experience with this first hand or are just saying it's all about sex. I know another person who was a serial cheater on his wife. He was driven by sex, and the conquest, I think. I have to believe that that is a common reason for cheating but it's not the only one. There are emotional guys in the world, too. You must know some. I do.
Well, you're male so you should be more correct than I am.

I'm glad that you understand that. A lot of us are willing to give a straight answer, even if it points to the fact that males are programmed to cheat. Try explaining this to other females not so open minded and they'll tell you that the evolution of humans is null and void and that men's testosterone levels are irrelevant. :wink:

My ex husband did cheat on me but I don't think you're correct in his case. I may be wrong but it seems to me that a guy is unhappy in his marriage
before he wants sex with another woman.

I'm sorry to hear that and I agree with your observation to a point, however, I would phrase it a different way. A man (or female for that matter) always possesses the propensity to cheat. And this propensity rises exponentially as happiness within a marriage decreases. But saying that a man or female has zero propensity to cheat until he or she is unhappy within their current relationship I feel is just naive.

I think the other woman is filling some emotional need for the man, before he considers cheating, just for sex.

The man isn't looking for emotional support. We dont' need that much. We're looking for different sex. Males contain on average at least ten times more testosterone than females do. Testosterone, as we all know, is the naturally occurring hormone in males and females that directly affects sex drive.

I didn't get any of my ideas from women's magazines. I don't read that crap.

And thank Jesus for that. I sometimes will pick one up when i'm on the elliptical at the gym when there aren't any car magazines and its terrible the way they pretend to help the same women they are effectively preying upon. :frown:
There are emotional guys in the world, too. You must know some. I do.

Yes there are. Moot point because emotional guys don't get any sex anyway. :eek:
Yes there are. Moot point because emotional guys don't get any sex anyway. :eek:


Women want an emotional stable partner or anchor, not ANOTHER woman.

This dude asked the devil to be more emotionally in touched and the gal didn't like the "girlie-man" approach:


Kyra, yes there are emotional guys on prime. I relish messing with them. Just look at some of my threads/posts. I bring out the woman in them....
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I'm glad that you understand that. A lot of us are willing to give a straight answer, even if it points to the fact that males are programmed to cheat. Try explaining this to other females not so open minded and they'll tell you that the evolution of humans is null and void and that men's testosterone levels are irrelevant. :wink:

I'm sorry to hear that and I agree with your observation to a point, however, I would phrase it a different way. A man (or female for that matter) always possesses the propensity to cheat. And this propensity rises exponentially as happiness within a marriage decreases. But saying that a man or female has zero propensity to cheat until he or she is unhappy within their current relationship I feel is just naive.

The man isn't looking for emotional support. We dont' need that much. We're looking for different sex. Males contain on average at least ten times more testosterone than females do. Testosterone, as we all know, is the naturally occurring hormone in males and females that directly affects sex drive.

And thank Jesus for that. I sometimes will pick one up when i'm on the elliptical at the gym when there aren't any car magazines and its terrible the way they pretend to help the same women they are effectively preying upon. :frown:

Thanks for the point-by-point reply, SilverStone05. I understand your views. I think it's hard for a woman to really understand just how horny guys are/can be since most women aren't like that. My ex once told me he hoped I'd come back as a guy, so I could understand the need.

Women want an emotional stable partner or anchor, not ANOTHER woman.

This dude asked the devil to be more emotionally in touched and the gal didn't like the "girlie-man" approach:


Kyra, yes there are emotional guys on prime. I relish messing with them. Just look at some of my threads/posts. I bring out the woman in them....

^That (Bedazzled) was a good movie!
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