Guys Hold onto your NSX

Alright I'm on it :)

Stop it, I'm trying to buy my first and it's almost impossible. Sell, sell, sell. Then after I get one then everyone can hold on to them forever.
Mines not going anywhere.... Besides its a salvaged and I love it dearly.
Alright I'm on it :)


LMAO! Good one solidol.

and RobM, there's 45 for sale right now on autotrader, open your wallet and buy one, it's not going to fall from the sky. There's so many people on here talking about how they're looking for one and how they really want one, blah blah blah, they're out there, get one, stop talking about how much you want one and start talking about how much you love yours! Guess what? I LOVE MINE! Every night I look like the picture of solidol above, except that my picture would need a blurred circle around my waist, haha.
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Trust me, I've been trying. Lets just say I have more specific requirements than just buy any NSX. I'd like a 97-2000 red or yellow in pretty good, but not perfect shape. The hardest part is finding one close enough to look at, a month ago I took 3 days off work and drove 1500 miles back and forth across the midwest to look at 4 of them. I now have a pretty good idea what I want and was ohhhhh so close to buying one until fate decided not quite yet. I'm sure sometime this summer I will.
I stand corrected Rob, and congratulations, you are well on your way to becoming an NSX owner. You have no idea how many people on here are just window shoppers that will never really get an NSX. I don't have anything against lurkers, but don't act like you're a "buyer", they just need to be honest with themselves, $15,000 will not get them an NSX, $25,000 won't get them a mint NSX, they keep complaining about not being able to get one instead of adjusting their expectations accordingly. I'm not on the Ferrari Enzo forum complaining about how hard it is to get one because I don't have close to a million bucks to even start bugging those guys.

To make things easier for you, feel free to expand your 1997-2000 search all the way to 1997-2001 :) it's still the same car. And best of luck to you, you'll have one find automobile when you find it.
Thanks, it seems like each time the model year goes up by 1 the amount of cars for sale goes down. I have noticed a bunch of new ones popping up at dealers as the weather gets warmer, but they seem to think everyone is worth over 60k no matter the year.
2000-2001 have perforated leather steering wheels and seats., VIN stickers in body panels. Not sure if there are anything else. 2001 is hard to find.
RobM, good luck with your search. That's terrible to hear of the 3 days off work and miles driven to come up empty handed. You'll find one if you stay positive. Hold out for the 97-2000 yellow one! When mine appeared I PM'd immediately! After a local member checked it out for me, I was on a plane that next weekend with checks for it sight unseen! As others have said, if you find the right one, jump on it! (On a side note, I have been watching the rising prices as well and have been tempted to test the market after 9 months of ownership. On a quick ride yesterday, I have to agree with heySkippy, might need to talk to my widow for it to be sold.) Again, good luck in your search.
Thanks, it seems like each time the model year goes up by 1 the amount of cars for sale goes down. I have noticed a bunch of new ones popping up at dealers as the weather gets warmer, but they seem to think everyone is worth over 60k no matter the year.

Go to the WIKI and review the production number/US import qty's. It falls in line with your comment, unfortunately:)......
Trust me, I've been trying. Lets just say I have more specific requirements than just buy any NSX. I'd like a 97-2000 red or yellow in pretty good, but not perfect shape. The hardest part is finding one close enough to look at, a month ago I took 3 days off work and drove 1500 miles back and forth across the midwest to look at 4 of them. I now have a pretty good idea what I want and was ohhhhh so close to buying one until fate decided not quite yet. I'm sure sometime this summer I will.

stick to your guns mate, it may take some time, but when the time comes you'll be happiest you did and bought exactly what you want. I think now that the winter is going away in North America it may become a little easier. but like the other blokes said, when you find what you want, don't muck around!

there's a half dozen guys who wanted to buy my car before I did, but didn't do it fast enough...
I searched for a nsx for under 25,000 for about 2.5 years. I did not care if it had a salvaged title as I wanted to restore it. Just only wanted a straight frame.
Limited quantity available. You must act now. Avoid disappointment and future regret.:biggrin:
Limited quantity available. You must act now. Avoid disappointment and future regret.:biggrin:

If you are one of the first 1 callers to write a check for this NSX you will also receive a brand new in-the-box oem clutch! But wait. We are so sure you will love this NSX that were also including this custom car cover AND this Science of Speed remote oil pressure sensor absolutely free. That's over a $30K value for a little over $30K. So call now.
I've had my 91 sebring silver nsx now since 1999 and will only sell it when i quit driving. Took me 3 years to find a low mileage example in silver. Be patient.
Being a dealer in the used car wholesale world I've had a deposit for a nsx from a client who refuses to spend a penny over 27,500. It's been 18 months and he is still and will always be waiting Lol
Here is another article. with the 911's going crazy and almost doubling in price over a 10 year period I see the same thing will happen with older japanese vehicles. The Datsun 240/260/280 the 510's, Supra's even saw a 1998 VTEC Integra Type R with super low miles just sell for $43,000. I call my 51,000 mile NSX my new 401k plan. At $25k for this one below is a steal in my opinion.