Guys and Gals It's Halloween and the story goes

7 June 2002
In The Middle
It's midnight, and i'm very restless. The family is away visiting other family. It's downright erie in the house. All of a sudden the power goes out. I hear a noise, Not just any noise, a very scary noise. I keep hearing a strange noise coming from outside. I am scared as I have ever been. I have to investigate. So I grab a flashlight and head outside..........:eek:
len3.8 said:
It's midnight, and i'm very restless. The family is away visiting other family. It's downright erie in the house. All of a sudden the power goes out. I hear a noise, Not just any noise, a very scary noise. I keep hearing a strange noise coming from outside. I am scared as I have ever been. I have to investigate. So I grab a flashlight and head outside..........:eek:

.....the guys from FactorX with their FX500 setup being installed on your NSX.:eek:
Cmon you guys look at the theme. Halloween, you are supposed to contribute to the story line. The IDEA is to create a spooky reading for everyone to add their little twist to the tale.
Now lets try this again.:)

By the way Dogdoc, It will be GJ's Turbo on my car.
Can't wait.
I'll bite.

len3.8 said:
... So I grab a flashlight and head outside..........:eek:
The sounds appear to be coming from the side of the house, which happens to be where the garage is. As I tip-toe towards the garage I can hear ghostly voices, most of which sound as if they are female. I peek around the corner of the house and can see that the garage door is open. Flashlight beams are crossing back and forth across where my parked NSX would sit. As I look a bit closer I can make out the silhouette of a female figure, which appears to be void of .........
len3.8 said:
It's midnight, and i'm very restless. The family is away visiting other family. It's downright erie in the house. All of a sudden the power goes out. I hear a noise, Not just any noise, a very scary noise. I keep hearing a strange noise coming from outside. I am scared as I have ever been. I have to investigate. So I grab a flashlight and head outside..........:eek:
into the pitch black darkness of a moonless night. With only the stars shimmering in the sky above, the only thing visible is the dying beam of my flickering flashlight. Again, I hear the scary noise now coming from the side of my yard. As I turn, I hear rustling in the bushes. A chill runs up and down my spine...................
len3.8 said:
By the way Dogdoc, It will be GJ's Turbo on my car.
Can't wait.


I had GJ's turbo in the draft, then changed it due to a thread I remembered about the StL guys and FactorX. 50/50 chance and I missed, oh well.
Re: Re: Guys and Gals It's Halloween and the story goes

ss_md said:
into the pitch black darkness of a moonless night. With only the stars shimmering in the sky above, the only thing visible is the dying beam of my flickering flashlight. Again, I hear the scary noise now coming from the side of my yard. As I turn, I hear rustling in the bushes. A chill runs up and down my spine...................

I comfort myself by thinking that it may just be the neighbor's cat. I quickly grab extra batteries in my desk drawer and quickly replace the ones in the flashlight, all the while the noise kept nagging me in the background as if it wanted me to come outside and take a look. I went out on the patio and shine the light upon the bushes where I found two eyes glaring at me with disdain. For a moment, a brief moment, I breathed a sigh of relief. It is the neighbor's cat. I smiled at the thought of playing tricks with my imagination.

I turn around and no sooner did I put one foot inside, the same noise called out again. This time I knew it wasn't that cat as it swiftly ran off once the sound came about. I stood frozen in fear. There it goes again. And again. This time coming closer and closer.................
This time coming closer and closer.................

I ran as fast as my legs would carry my body. Finally after reaching the door and slamming it shut I felt safe again. But the noise had become louder and certainly closer. I loud thud shook the entire house, I ran to take cover in the basement. Crouched in the corner of the basement I could still hear what sounded like nails on a caulk board. This went on for what seemed like an hour. If only I had a phone in the basement I could call for help. That's when I realized my family would be coming home soon from their trick-or-treat outing. Then it came to me. I bet I left the new E class unlocked again. I made my way to the garage and sure enough the 469 hp monster had escaped and shredded my NSX into aluminum foil.............