Guesses on where "Adopt a Highway - Porsche Club of Springfield" is located

3 September 2002
West Vancouver, BC
You may have seen the ad - beautiful female driving a Porsche along twisty road through a valley surrounded by scenic snow covered mountains. A piece of paper litter floats through the air. She sees it, but zooms by. A second Porsche zooms by. Then a third Porsche approaches, the handsome male driver rolls down his window and, without slowing, catches the litter ......(announcer plugs the P cars).

Any guesses on the location? The only hint I will give you is that it is not close to Springfield - which, at last count, there was one of in each of the lower 49 and 17 in Canada! :D

First correct answer gets a guided tour at whatever legal (yea, right!) speed they feel comfortable with and dinner at a fine Scottish restaurant. ;)
I see there are not a lot of people who can answer your trivia question or who will even take a guess, I will however. The worst that can happen is I don't collect the prize. Would it be highway 99 going up to Whistler. It would make sense since you are from Vancouver and that is a very scenic drive and is a two lane highway.

Let me know.
You were on the right track. But just did not drive far enough. It is Highway 99, but past Whistler - about 50 km or so along the same highway. It has to be one of the best drives I have ever been on. Beautiful scenery, excellent curves and little traffic. Every time I drive it, I get a big smile on my face.

Amazing how many ostensibly shot in US ads and movies are shot in and around Vancouver. This is one of three for Porsche - the second involves a couple sneaking out of work and driving across a beautiful bridge in their Boxster, while the third escapes me. I can't count the number of movies in which someplace in or around Vancouver was rebadged as 'Seattle'! It must be the combination of a low dollar and pleasant climate that allows filiming for a good part of the year.
I think it is a combination of several things as you mentioned but most importantly it is a look, twisty road on the side of mountains with snow capped mountains in the back ground. It is the rich feeling that Porsche is trying to create.

I also had a friend who shot advertisements for Toyota Japan in Australlia. Made great money doing it and again it was just the look and fell that Toyota Japan wanted.

Anyways I will have to remember that road for future reference and make a trip up there. I knew the drive up to Whistler was nice I guess I just have to keep going for a few more miles.

Originally posted by NSX Maven
in each of the lower 49

Lower 48, not lower 49.

He's from Canada, what do you expect?:)
Re: Re: Guesses on where "Adopt a Highway - Porsche Club of Springfield" is located

nsxtasy said:
Lower 48, not lower 49.

Sorry, I quickly counted them in my head - I can never remember the number - and I must have counted one of those little ones twice. :D
Sorry, I quickly counted them in my head - I can never remember the number - and I must have counted one of those little ones twice.

That's ok I don't know how many provinces you folks have up there, 6, 10, 12? All I know is it's cold and one of your provinces insists on speaking some sort of medievil french.