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Clearly you might have some hurt feelings since it's obvious you are a GTR owner which is fine, you have your opinion, I have mine.  You seem to forget I'm NOT bashing the car, I am considering to buy one!

I've driven plenty of 09/10 GTR's and every owner I've talked to wished they had a newer model for the huge improvements they made.  Heck 3 of them traded their old ones for the new ones.  Yes they raised the price of the car quite a bit but for those capable of swapping, they will do so in a heartbeat.  A stock 2013 GTR has performance close to many modded 09's and you get a nice warranty.

My point from a value aspect is that if you are already spending this kind of money on a luxury item, you want the best bang and that is the 2013 GTR.  At $100k it's a good deal but at used car pricing I've seen hovering around $89k for one with a few thousand miles, that is a steal and best bargain in town.

I would never compare a GTR to an NSX since the GTR will simply destroy it in performance.  Having 2 extra back seats is the main reason I'm considering the car for my kids.  However when your 09 GTR runs out of warranty, I can bet most will not touch it with a 10' pole and that is how the current scene is with used GTR's.  You see tons of 09 owners wanting to sell and asking way too much.  Most of those cars will sit for a long time.

As long as you think it's a good deal that's fine but most here will agree that the market for a used GTR with miles and an expiring warranty is not in demand where as a 2005 NSX with no warranty is still in demand without question.  If they discontinue the GTR right now, the Black Series will hold its value best if not abused and with documented history, low miles, etc, that I agree with you 100%.

P.S. It's not like I'm selling my NSX or other cars - each car I own has a purpose and I appreciate the GTR for what it does well which is why I want to add it to my stable to replace my IS-F.  Still not 100% sure I need a 540hp 2-door coupe since with kids realistically the new M5 is a better target car, we'll see I guess how this plays out when the M5 gets released in September :)

here is one example of a beautiful 2013 that I'm pretty sure owner will take $90k:

He even posts some auction info on past cars that were sold:

A 2012 sold on 4/26/12 with 33 miles for $90k

All the other 2012's at auction had high miles over 10k miles so I didn't have much to compare it to.

The acutal last transacation for a 2012 was a black one with 14,653 miles, which sold for 82,500

A BMW dealer down the street from me just sold a 2013 with over 5k miles for $93k
