GTA owners

2 October 2003
NOTL, Ontario. Canada
Hello all GTA (Greater Toronto Area) NSX owners.....Would you guys like to get together for an NSX Drive/dinner sometime in July.

This would be great since there are only a few NSX owners that, belong to this forum .

If you are interested, please email me.

Excellant, is the date Fixed? is just that it's the Monday after the Canadiaa those of us that go to the GP for th weekend may have some problems geting to this event.

Daria said:
Hi Bram,
There will be a get-to-gether on June 14th at around 6 ~ 6:30 pm in Thornhill Square ( Bayview & John St). It will be a show & Shine and it's the first event that the GTA NSX owner's get together for this season. We'll meet and plan more activities then.

Look here also


Hey, Daria!! I think I saw you and your NSX a few weeks ago on the 407. You have the car in your avatar, right?? I was driving up to Barrie from Indiana (yep...the U.S.) and passed an early Sebring Silver NSX with updated polished '94-01 style wheels that was GLEAMING and beautiful going the other way. I am guessing you have to be the only one in the GTA with one like this. ;)

I'd be interested in a drive/dinner in July. We can talk about it at the June 14th meet and plan something out...

I also wanted to get a rough idea of how many people from the GTA are planning on going down to NSXPO this fall and if they're interested in a convoy down.

They have that new ferry ( that crosses over lake Ontario to Rochester, so that might be a fun way to start the trip off.

EDIT: Just checked thebreeze website and unfortunately the CDN $54 deal for car+driver expired June 1st. Darn. Regular pricing for car+driver will be around $90-100 depending on coach or first class.
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Yep, I would still like to the the Dinner & Drive thing sometime in July.

I'm not sure if I will be able to make June 14th get together, due thee fact that I will be returning from the Montreal GP late on Sunday 13th night.


I'm not sure if I will be able to make June 14th get together, due thee fact that I will be returning from the Montreal GP late on Sunday 13th night.

Sleep in all day Monday ;) It's at 6:30pm...