GT4 Trick...

Brian2by2 said:
anyone go 88 yet with the Delorean??? Good stuff....

Okay, I just went 88 (and faster) in the Delorean...and nothing happened. What did YOU see?

"Are you telling me you built a time machine....out of a Delorean?"
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Dont forget the flux capacitor and the 1 point 21 jigawats! :biggrin:
NeoNSX said:
You need to insert a small amount of plutonium into your PS2 before trying that trick. ;)

Neo, you don't just walk into a store and buy plutonium. Did you rip that off?! :biggrin:
I still haven't seen anything unusual or different since racing the DeLorean past 88mph. BTW, I'm impressed with the feel of this car...better than I expected.

"If you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do
it with style? Besides, its stainless steel construction makes it possible for the flux dispersal..."
akira3d said:
"If you're going to build a time machine into a car, why not do
it with style? Besides, its stainless steel construction makes it possible for the flux dispersal..."

Haven't you always wondered what the end of that sentence was?

<B>Neo, you don't just walk into a store and buy plutonium. Did you rip that off?! :D</B>

:rolleyes: You can in Russia. :D
And just how would you know that Neo? :biggrin: