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GT-ONE F1 exhaust Ver.6

25 September 2004

yea i was thinking it was the bel canto
but then some of the welds and the size of the piping look different on both of the exhaust

I think GT-One said version 1-5.1 is discontinued!
They are the same parts made by the same factory in Japan that many custom exhaust manufactures use.

-- Chris
will SOS start selling these? :smile:
I wish this exhaust was 1.600 ... @ that price it could sell like hot potatoes ...

Sign me IN @ that price!

It's a long story, but I'll give you guys the 411 later today. It is an interesting story and you guys will get a kick out of it. Yes, it involves me, rjp, Taitec, 5Ziggen, and of course GT-ROM.

Stay tuned.
The pictures of the quad tip version you guys see on the site is on my car.

Here is a little timeline of this thing off the top of my head. Some events may be off by couple of weeks, but this is the true story of this poor exhaust system. The STAR of the show.

As most you guys may know, GT-ROM was ripping people off, taking the money without shipping out the orders. I was getting enough PMs from Primers that I decided to do some research; therefore:

July 2008: I arranged 5 GT-One v5.1 GB, the order was taken when we figured out a way to bypass GT-ROM and ordered it directly from the factory Kuroda Metal shop.

Late August 2008: Three of the five v.5.1 were delivered, however, GT-ROM put a stop to order number 4 and 5 citing reason that they’re the only one with the right to sell GT-One labeled product, therefore, we had to go by an extra step so GT-ROM can get their cut. After order number four was delivered, we learned that GT-ROM “may” not complete the order number five, therefore, the idea of create a comparable unit came to our mind.

Late August 2008: A preliminary discussion of how this muffler should be, the explanation can be seen at my original “Bel Canto” thread. Basically to keep the same type of pitch, we needed to keep the routing of the piping similar to the 5.1 but with some tweaks to make it flow better with a fuller sound.

September 2008: The factory proposed two prototypes, the one came to be known as the Bel Canto, and the other one as the F599 from Route KS; the Bel Canto was selected by us. The first NA1 prototype was kept in Japan and the NA2LEV was sent to me (on my car). The reason NA2LEV was sent to me right of way because they couldn’t find a NA2/LEV owner to test the fitment. I named it “Bel Canto JGTC Soprano exhaust” from the trumpet I used to own played by Doc Severensen.

Bel Canto: Beautiful Sound
JGTC: The closest sounding muffler to JGTC cars to date.
Soprano: High pitch.

My friend in Japan thought the name was funny because he is used to muffler name with “GT” or “Dragon” on it and a JDM product shouldn’t have a Italian name, but agreed on the name since I was supposed to be the “goto” guy here in the US. I told him I’m going to registered trademark the name “Bel Canto” to protect our product in the US, he agreed. At the same time, we’re also talking about other exhaust system for GTR, S2k, and future models to be branded as Bel Canto in the future.

Side note: My friend mentioned this muffler “might be labeled” as GT-ROM v.6, but the factory at the time did not want to deal with GT-ROM due to their reputation, therefore, the burden of moving the product was slapped to my face, until rjp join the party.

September/October: I listed the Bel Canto FS as a alternative to the 5.1 since we knew GT-ROM had some legal issues and can no longer sell their products internationally. The factory wanted us to sell 50 mufflers before the year ends, I told them it is not possible, maybe 10 at most, they did not like the idea. There are many involved parties, including me, POPDESIGN! and I believe Taitec. They told me the muffler “Must be an export item only.” Since my investment was with the prototype, I asked for US exclusive vender, they agreed. However, within only two weeks, no orders were taken and the housing market crashed. It was not a welcome news to me, and Japan. They probably panicked since they're investment was greater than my. Therefore, rjp was notified - I believed by Taitec. Needless to say, my friend and I were caught off guard. I contacted Japan and they told me “we can’t start the production unless we have at least ten units ordered.” I basically told them that’s fine, but there is a minor issue, the cost quoted me did not add up when compare to rjp’s selling price because his pricing is almost my cost after factored in money wiring, shipping, etc, they told me the urgency of getting the production going is more important to our agreement…”Ouch I told them.” I do know rjp is closely associated with Taitec, so there is no point argue about the selling right. The goal is to get the production going or watch it die.

November/December 2008: After observing the circus on Prime for about two months, and back and forth e-mail exchange from Japan, we got the factory to start producing five units, and ten units total. Information of additional units produced after the initial ten was not given to me, since I declined to have further involvement. (I was informed of the product detail of the first ten units produced, including SS, SS with Inconel Tips, and Inconel unit).

Side note: Around the same time, Kuroda factory notified my friend about the final unit of the v5.1 GB. I immediately jumped on the muffler to fulfill our GB promised; again we bypassed GT-ROM since they failed to deliver.

January 2009: The factory produced the first five units; orders can be traced on Prime. However, the sales stalled after the initial GB, and there were five plus units sitting idle in Japan.

Early February 2009: An e-mail was sent to me from Japan asking me about the registered trade mark of the “Bel Canto.” I explained the name is for performance exhaust vender/brand and it WILL NOT include the “JGTC SOPRANO.” I ask him why not sell the muffler in Japan so they can move the products (since I can’t deliver enough deals to them from US). This is also a good way to stop people from guessing how much this damn thing is really worth. He agreed. Since I have witness my goal of getting it to the market place, I washed my hands with this muffler in terms of further involvement.

Our agreement also includes the refund of my initial investment, and I will continue to broker the exhaust for him as a friend. I was invited to Japan to see other exhaust related product to put under the Bel Canto name probably late spring, early summer.

Late February 2009: rjp re-list it as “5.1 style” exhaust. Taitec also offered it as “xxxx-X” exhaust.

March 2009: GT-ROM announced the cancellation of their version 1-5.1 line up and offered v.6. We suspect the Kuroda metal shop refused to produce any more product for GT-ROM since a debt issue was never resolved, and the rumor was GT-ROM filed for BK and cleared out the old debts with Kuroda, but we could be wrong. This may be GT-ROM’s last attempt to stay in business.

The Bel Canot JGTC Soprano muffler is not produced by Kuroda metal shop but their competitor. It is produced by 5xxxxn. Take a good guess who they are.

Now every one has it except Pep Boys, buy this exhaust and enjoy the sound. It is truly a remarkable muffler. For those who bought the exhaust from me, rjp, POP, Taitec, or even GT-ROM, they're the same. The price will most likely be going up in the near future since the MSRP has been established by all parties. If you're in the market for one, give me or rjp a buzz.
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:biggrin: cool
I hope the soap opera was worth it.

Would have been a whole lot cheaper, faster, & easier for everyone, & probably more orders, if US production had been set up early on. You could have had total control & no one going behind your back to scrounge sales. Live & learn, I guess.
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Thanks for the writeup Vance!