Grinding Sound??

26 April 2002
Olive Branch, MS, USA
Hiya Everyone,

This is my first post. I have a 92 Grand Prix White NSX that I absolutely love. I had a 2000 Corvette that I got rid of to get this car and I have never looked back.

I am having a small problem with a grinding noise that I cant pin down to the front or the back. I recently took it in to Acura for maintenance and they informed me I had leaking boots on the rear axles and they would need to be replaced.

I asked if that was my grinding sound and they had said they had no idea if it would resolve it or not.

I had thought it might be the brakes since it intensifies at low speed and when braking but even after I had all four wheels done its still there. I also had them do a four wheel alignment to see if it was some sort of tire noise.?.?

The Acura dealer is going to replace the axles next week and do my timing chain and 60k PM. He got the axles comp'd through the factory rep.

Does anyone have any ideas what this sound might be??

BTW: Its an automatic. I'm lazy.

[This message has been edited by Griffen (edited 30 April 2002).]
I had a grinding noise that ended up being the half-shaft, not the axles. It would only do it when I was turning at a slower speed, left and right. It also would be very loud in the morning, but slowly fade as the car warmed up after driving for a while.