Green tire slime

11 October 2001
Clearwater, Fl
i saw a t.v. commercial for a green tire slim

it supposedly fix's leaks kinda like fix-a-flat

except you pull the nail or whatever in your tire out and use the nozzel to fill the tire we're the nail was not the vavle stem and i guess it goes hard to stop the leak.
the commercial had the Australian guy (crocadile guy)

anybody seen it? or used it?
smoore said:
i saw a t.v. commercial for a green tire slim

it supposedly fix's leaks kinda like fix-a-flat

except you pull the nail or whatever in your tire out and use the nozzel to fill the tire we're the nail was not the vavle stem and i guess it goes hard to stop the leak.
the commercial had the Australian guy (crocadile guy)

anybody seen it? or used it?

My dad used it once.....5 minutes later the tire blew up and he had to get his car towed. :(