Great News Concerning the Next NSX!

13 September 2000
Tulsa, OK
It'll be steeped in "Green" and be available after the next millenia. Yay Honda! said:
Honda's message at the 2009 Tokyo Motor Show was very clear, and this message was reinforced by CEO Takanobu Ito during a Q&A session that was held for North American media at Honda's headquarters in Tokyo this afternoon. The topics ranged from Honda's position on BEVs (Battery-powered Electric Vehicles) to their plans for future sports cars, but for the most part the conversations always circled back to Honda's view of eco-technologies: Hybrid Electric Vehicles in the near- to mid-term, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles for the long run.

Highlights from the Q&A

If you were holding onto a sliver of hope that the V10 supercar project would be someday resurrected, you might want to sit down. Based upon today's conversation, the V10 supercar project has virtually zero chance of resurrection. We were even told (in a separate conversation) that Ito-san himself was responsible for cancelling the V-10 supercar project. Any sort of future super sportscar would only be considered once Honda has cleared several development hurdles for environmental technology, including hybrid technology suitable for larger vehicles, plug-in hybrid technology, and hydrogen battery fuel cells. "Once we come up with these new, innovative technologies that we are researching - once we have (an) abundance of cash on hand - I would definitely love to see Honda develop a sports car which would symbolize these technologies", said Ito. "And, once that day comes, the sportscar will NOT be something like Toyota announced yesterday, but instead it will be environmentally friendly (while) at the same time enjoying outstanding performance. I'd love to do that."

I asked about the status of A-VTEC and i-DTEC. I think the question was interpreted differently than I intended because Ito-san spoke mostly about how VTEC technology could be used to reduce pumping losses during cylinder idling and regenerative braking functions.

A followup question from a journalist in the audience specifically asked about Honda's plans for diesel. Essentially, Honda has shelved their plans for introducing diesel in the US, and there were several factors involved. First off, development was delayed by about a year due to difficulties meeting emissions regulations. Honda resolved the difficulties, but the solutions were costly. Faced with these costs, Honda's board of directors ultimately gave up on the idea of offering diesel technology in the US. However, Honda are continuing to work on the technology in hopes of making the costs more reasonable.

Though it has been reported that Honda has changed their tune on BEVs, Ito-san makes it very clear that Honda's position remains consistent. That position is the notion that Hydrogen is the long term solution, and they are dedicated towards working to that end. Honda's position on BEVs has softened a bit in that they are recognizing that BEVs are suitable for a limited set of applications involving short-range urban driving environments. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle development will remain the primary focus.

When asked if there would be other sporty models coming forth to replace "accessible" sports models such as the Integra/RSX and S2000, the response from Ito-san was that the CR-Z would be the answer to that question and there were "no other plans for the time being, but yes I would like to be able to consider such possibilities".

I asked Ito-san how Honda's sharpened focus on environmental technology fit in with the vision for Acura as a brand and the luxury market in general. The answer was that Acura would be re-focused on delivering the performance levels sought by premium/luxury car buyers, and these performance levels would be coupled with strong environmental performance. In a later conversation, Ito-san admitted that there's a "certain level of confusion" in the existing Acura lineup, and they would work to fix that.

Ito-san said they Honda are open to the possibility of combining forces with a like-minded automaker, but given the fundamental differences in corporate philosophies that currently exist, it is not a likely scenario.

A journalist asked if there were any regrets for Honda's withdrawal from F1 and Ito-san's answer was simply "No Regrets". (pony edit: liar)

Woohoo, 3 cheers for Ito. Slogan for the next generation of cars from Honda - "Honda: the cars no one aspires to own."
When questioned at the Tokyo show, sounds like Mr. Ito is sore and is now attacking Toyota's LF-A. Toyota bring the big gun (LF-A) to the fight and You bring a bamboo eco-friendly plastic utensil knife.....what did you expect.

Ito believes the future is about clean, sustainable cars, and sports cars are no exception.

"Sure, there are folks who like that 'vroom' of the engine out of nostalgia," Ito told Reuters earlier this month. "But those people are stuck in the past. The era of V10 engines is gone."
Wow can someone stick a fork in him! So this was Mr Sportscar guy:confused: Just ruined my whole day.

I thought for sure the LFA would cause some hidden pride Japanese thing but all it did was make him more determined to prove why vasectomy made Honda better.
Oh yeah there was this part as well

"We can only hope that the economy rebounds soon so that we can see what the wizards at Honda can cook up next. Perhaps we'll get a preview in LA in December where Honda spokesman Chuck Schifsky told us to "look for a surprise."

LOL Our best surprise would be a dead hooker being found in ITO's trunk:rolleyes: Sorry really ticked off right now.
Although it's sad they don't want to make sport cars I do see a reason why they are doing what they are doing.

Lets face the facts, crude oil is not an unlimited fuel source. If they are ahead of everyone with developing hydrogen powered vehicles they will be reeking in profits in the future and it makes sense. What company would rather hurt their stakeholders investment and potentially go bankrupt, just to make a small group of sport car enthusiasts happy. Those fuel efficient vehicles is what keeps them afloat and they are doing what's best for them and their investors.

It takes time to figure out the best way to harness these new type of fuels. With years of research and development I could see how they could figure out how to make fast exciting sport car with the next generation fuel type and I do think it's possible. You may hate it now but maybe in 2020-2030 you'll be seeing a true to the name NSX. (New Sportcar eXperimental)

I think it could be they want the NSX to actually be revolution not an evolution. I'll gladly agree with that it should bring something new to the field not just be a car with bigger motor and that can go xx sec faster than it's competitor.
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Sounds like Ito San is a bit of a wanker.
No offense to Raven and others defending but it's bullsh!t and Ito knows! If he was that "concerned" he should have killed the ZDX at the same time. I mean it's only rated all off three MPG higher than a friggen V10.

Honda can spend millions on a robot and a two wheeler but they're to "broke" for a sportscar or to import the Type R. If he was that concerned about being green he'd kill the RDX , MDX , Ridgeline , Pilot. I'll bet Honda is still working on those replacements. So his lying about being "green" is merely a smokescreen for whatever the real problem is. Hell he couldn't even tell us why A VTEC doesn't even get mentioned anymore.

People complained about Fukui but at least he tried to bring something Honda had never done before to market. Why not just make accountants president because every guy that worked on the NSX must have hated it and it shows!
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Well said man. The leaders at Honda are comprised of a bunch of apologetics rationalizing their boring product line. These guys have all been neutered. Toyota brings an LF-A and you bring a CR-Z. WTF!!

No offense to Raven and others defending but it's bullsh!t and Ito knows! If he was that "concerned" he should have killed the ZDX at the same time. I mean it's only rated all off three MPG higher than a friggen V10.

Honda can spend millions on a robot and a two wheeler but they're to "broke" for a sportscar or to import the Type R. If he was that concerned about being green he'd kill the RDX , MDX , Ridgeline , Pilot. I'll bet Honda is still working on those replacements. So his lying about being "green" is merely a smokescreen for whatever the real problem is. Hell he couldn't even tell us why A VTEC doesn't even get mentioned anymore.

People complained about Fukui but at least he tried to bring something Honda had never done before to market. Why not just make accountants president because every guy that worked on the NSX must have hated it and it shows!
No offense to Raven and others defending but it's bullsh!t and Ito knows! If he was that "concerned" he should have killed the ZDX at the same time. I mean it's only rated all off three MPG higher than a friggen V10.

Honda can spend millions on a robot and a two wheeler but they're to "broke" for a sportscar or to import the Type R. If he was that concerned about being green he'd kill the RDX , MDX , Ridgeline , Pilot. I'll bet Honda is still working on those replacements. So his lying about being "green" is merely a smokescreen for whatever the real problem is. Hell he couldn't even tell us why A VTEC doesn't even get mentioned anymore.

People complained about Fukui but at least he tried to bring something Honda had never done before to market. Why not just make accountants president because every guy that worked on the NSX must have hated it and it shows!

Amen bro. Amen.
So the theory here is what exactly? That he's an idiot? Or insane? Or has some bizarre grudge against the NSX?

Come on... be rational. The guy is making a cold business decision like EVERY OTHER business leader. He MAY be wrong, but I doubt it. Honda poured a ton of money into the NSX and the return on investment is debateable at best. Did it help them sell more Civics? I think you'd be hard pressed to provde that. Did it at least pay for itself? Highly doubtful. It was billions for an ego project. Nissan and Toyota are doing the same now, but it is very likely it will be looked back upon as a bad decision.

Japan simply cannot create a lasting high dollar sports car legacy because *too much of the buying public rejects it* and there *arent enough people who can BUY these cars for that to be acceptable*

If 90% of your potential market from an economics perspective feels your brand isnt worthy, thats not a smart business decision. They're not a charity in it to make cars that people can buy used 20 years later.

Why is that so hard to understand in discussions like this? Prove to me the economics of the NSX, much less ANOTHER NSX and maybe Ill be convinced.

Raven hit it on the head. IF they can come up with a Ferrari that runs like a Prius, MAYBE they will capture new mindshare (I say MAYBE because cars like the Tesla already exist).

Strip away the emotion (which has no place in a business decision) and I think anyone can see this.

As for the robots, MDX, etc... Those are all markets that have MASSIVE market potential or are actually healthy now. They sell a ton of MDX's. If they can dominate next generation robotics, that would be transformational for the company moving into the next 100 years. High dollar sports cars that use fossil fuels that are rapidly depleting in an era when conspicuous consumption is becoming really socially unnaceptable, the economy is tanking, and ecological concerns are becoming FRONT and CENTER? That sure as hell isnt a project I would invest in. Would you guys sink a good size chunk of your wealth into such a project? Ask yourself that question seriously. If yes, send Honda a contract promising to spend $150,000 (legally binding) if they make the car. If they get enough such letters, Im sure they'd make it. Hate to be a dick here, but this is dollars and sense and nothing else. Last I checked, Honda is doing pretty well for its investors.
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So the theory here is what exactly? That he's an idiot? Or insane? Or has some bizarre grudge against the NSX?

Come on... be rational. The guy is making a cold business decision like EVERY OTHER business leader. He MAY be wrong, but I doubt it. Honda poured a ton of money into the NSX and the return on investment is debateable at best. Did it help them sell more Civics? I think you'd be hard pressed to provde that. Did it at least pay for itself? Highly doubtful. It was billions for an ego project. Nissan and Toyota are doing the same now, but it is very likely it will be looked back upon as a bad decision.

Japan simply cannot create a lasting high dollar sports car legacy because *too much of the buying public rejects it* and there *arent enough people who can BUY these cars for that to be acceptable*

If 90% of your potential market from an economics perspective feels your brand isnt worthy, thats not a smart business decision. They're not a charity in it to make cars that people can buy used 20 years later.

Why is that so hard to understand in discussions like this? Prove to me the economics of the NSX, much less ANOTHER NSX and maybe Ill be convinced.

Raven hit it on the head. IF they can come up with a Ferrari that runs like a Prius, MAYBE they will capture new mindshare (I say MAYBE because cars like the Tesla already exist).

Strip away the emotion (which has no place in a business decision) and I think anyone can see this.

As for the robots, MDX, etc... Those are all markets that have MASSIVE market potential or are actually healthy now. They sell a ton of MDX's. If they can dominate next generation robotics, that would be transformational for the company moving into the next 100 years. High dollar sports cars that use fossil fuels that are rapidly depleting in an era when conspicuous consumption is becoming really socially unnaceptable, the economy is tanking, and ecological concerns are becoming FRONT and CENTER? That sure as hell isnt a project I would invest in. Would you guys sink a good size chunk of your wealth into such a project? Ask yourself that question seriously. If yes, send Honda a contract promising to spend $150,000 (legally binding) if they make the car. If they get enough such letters, Im sure they'd make it. Hate to be a dick here, but this is dollars and sense and nothing else. Last I checked, Honda is doing pretty well for its investors.

Sorry but you missed the point completely. We already understand that an NSX wasn't a good business decision but Honda never gave it a chance to see if a Japanese high dollar sports car could have a lasting legacy. Just because it was great didn't mean that they shouldn't keep improving it. They had the perfect chance by going to the HSC.

My point is/was that Ito is using being green as the reason for killing it , but not killing other non green cars such as they're trucks are ok because they make a ton of money??? You agreed with your last last paragraph they make money on MDX and those things are as you say "depleting fossil fuels rapidly"

Your not being a dick you just don't understand when someone is making excuses which is what he was doing. He knew Honda looked bad releasing a CRZ when the LFA was there. If anything he should've have been a man and said "Yeah the LF-A is great we tried doing something similar but decided to go in a different direction as we A. Couldn't get it right and weren't pleased with our final result. B. Make more money selling trucks so we prefer to balance our fleet with a greener car.

Did he do that ??? No! He got all pissy and it showed. Like he looked better saying he killed to go green and yes I repeat myself here "is still working on selling trucks because they make them money".

As far as making a commitment I bought my NSX new not used and was waiting patiently for the ASC. I defended when other said how much they hated it. Of course I also defended the HSC when people said it didn't have enough hp. Also bought several new S2000s. Honda fan yes I am and would definitely have scrapped together for an ASC.

So again you just missed the point friend and the argument is very rational since the point is don't lie because your embarrassed. Don't tell us there is no money to do a sportscar if the real reason is you wish to allocate it other places. Just be honest with your fans. I/we could have respected that.
No offense taking dude it's what this board is about discussing things relative to the topic :). No hard feelings.

I see what your saying but in the end Honda is a business. As much as we argue how much of an idiot Ito is or how lame we think he is, in the end it doesn't really matter to them. We are a small niche of potential Honda vehicle purchasers, we probably have no real affect to potential future profits. The people who purchase the mass produced green/non green vehicles are the ones who do and money talks, so Honda listens lol.

In regards to non green cars currently in production:

You say in your eyes Ito used a lame excuse, in the eyes of the investors of Honda it probably looks like a good business plan to not axe a huge money maker (MDX) because your going green. If they did that they are throwing away their investors previously invested money used in R&D for the current MDX which is already selling well. I would suspect once sales don't yield much profit for the MDX line they will axe it as well and pour more of that earned money from the MDX for R&D of their fuel cell vehicles.

Although I also agree with you they had already spent so much time and money on the ASC and I think even if it wasn't going to yield profits just release it and get some of your initial investment back instead of at a total loss, but whatever floats their boat I guess. As a honda fan I was excited to see how the ASC would of been welcomed by the automotive world that engine V10 just sounded awesome :).
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I wish someone at Honda or even HUK could answer why they are wasting time with a £ 38K civic ( $ 62 k ) glorified Civic. I did ask the organizer at a recent Honda UK Event were I was lucky enough thanks to an NSXCB member to be invited along with 10 NSX owners and other Honda owners.

He did not know!!!

What lack of passion, no more dreams from Honda.

Asimo is cool but is just a toy, and you can't even touch it.

The unicycle, well they might as well install a dildo as part of the seat and send it to anyone waiting for a real sports car from Honda, as that is all you woul get:


Why can Honda produce a £ 65k ( $ 106K ) sports car, and slot it between the R8 and a 911 price wise.

Someone at Honda needs to grow some balls.
The unicycle, well they might as well install a dildo as part of the seat and send it to anyone waiting for a real sports car from Honda, as that is all you woul get:


Someone at Honda needs to grow some balls.

Bwahahahahahaha Made me spit out my rice ..LOL
I agree with most of you guys and everyone had some great points. I also dont believe Ito about Honda not having money for a sports car. Im about to go on a ride and drive for a "butt ugly" accord crosstour wagon which sells in the mid 30s and im sure no one will buy. They just came out with the ZDX which has a VERY limited market and competes with ...of all things, a BMW X6!?! I dont think either of those 2 vehicles are needed and are just there for a limited market share and to compete with Toyota Venza and BMW X6.
That being said, they pour millions into an NSX replacement which is pretty much at the production level just to shelf the project and not recoop any of that money? Doesnt make bottom line sense to me. Nissan is selling GTRs at a profit and Toyota had the balls to bring the LF-A to market even with a 300k+ price tag while honda brings out more poor excuses for sports cars (CRZ, 60k Mugen civic si....are they serious!?!). Regardless of the changing times and economic conditions......there will always be a market for sports/high performance cars and sadly when most of you guys are ready to move will have to look at other manufacturers.
Given their current direction, i think you guys already have the best car they ever/will ever make.
I read here that fossil fuel is running out. Can someone post evidence that our known fossil fuel supply is less, and not more than ever?:confused:

There are more discoveries of massive finds every day, and more red tape being put up in order to hide the fact that fossil fuel is still readily available, and will be for many years to come. This isn't about depleting resources. This is about the environment, of which there are so many lies, agendas, and egos involved that nobody even knows what the truth is any more.

Raising hell on this forum does nothing to bruise Honda's chosen path. Put your money where your moth is and start buying your cars from manufacturers that aren't falling prey to this line of thinking. But everybody is getting in on it. Green this, green that. Drive this car and it only emits love and baby kisses. I'm so sick of this self appreciating hippie movement that I could choke a tree.
I agree with most of you guys and everyone had some great points. I also dont believe Ito about Honda not having money for a sports car. Im about to go on a ride and drive for a "butt ugly" accord crosstour wagon which sells in the mid 30s and im sure no one will buy. They just came out with the ZDX which has a VERY limited market and competes with ...of all things, a BMW X6!?! I dont think either of those 2 vehicles are needed and are just there for a limited market share and to compete with Toyota Venza and BMW X6.
That being said, they pour millions into an NSX replacement which is pretty much at the production level just to shelf the project and not recoop any of that money? Doesnt make bottom line sense to me. Nissan is selling GTRs at a profit and Toyota had the balls to bring the LF-A to market even with a 300k+ price tag while honda brings out more poor excuses for sports cars (CRZ, 60k Mugen civic si....are they serious!?!). Regardless of the changing times and economic conditions......there will always be a market for sports/high performance cars and sadly when most of you guys are ready to move will have to look at other manufacturers.
Given their current direction, i think you guys already have the best car they ever/will ever make.

100% correct. The NSX failed because it stayed the same. If the 95 and up got the 3.2 with a compression bump and cams and made 320hp they would have sold. The 99 Zs could have been tweaked for 335+hp.

If the 2002 face-life came in 2000 along with a 3.8 making 380hp and the Mugen interior (in black or match to exterior color) plus type R options like brakes, suspension and more coupes ----- it would have sold (and brought the type r over tweaked for 400hp --- it would have sold.)

The HSC in 2004 with an update rear and a small 4.2-4.4 V8 (9K redline) with direct injection 12.5 compression and 480-500hp and around 3000lbs---- it would have sold.

You can't sit on the sidelines with a supercar --- you must build its rep and you much know your market. I bet the GTR will be getting a horsepower bump anytime now. Many people are already getting a tune for 60-70 more horsepower.

There is a small segment of people that are performance oriented and they are going to buy performances cars (real performance cars) until the day they die or can't anymore. Honda just gave up on them. You can make gas from coal and you can also make synthetic gasoline so availability will not be problem.
He knew Honda looked bad releasing a CRZ when the LFA was there. If anything he should've have been a man and said "Yeah the LF-A is great we tried doing something similar but decided to go in a different direction as we A. Couldn't get it right and weren't pleased with our final result. B. Make more money selling trucks so we prefer to balance our fleet with a greener car.

Did he do that ??? No! He got all pissy and it showed. Like he looked better saying he killed to go green and yes I repeat myself here "is still working on selling trucks because they make them money".

Exactly on point, Perry. Ito's statement was a litany of excuses designed to cover up the embarrassment of releasing the CRZ at the same time as the LF-A. Honda lost face on this one, and it shows. One can only imagine the muffled snickers of the auto press, having just come from the LF-A, when Ito/Honda rolled out the CRZ as a "sports" model.
Please! Honcho you should have been there for the Pilot debut. Fukui was like "so here is the new Pilot " pause no one said a word. He then asked so what do you think. Honest to God no one said anything. I felt bad for him.

They keep releasing boring stuff though. Honda the new old Toyota lol
Hey JUICE! I couldn't agree with you more! :wink:


THIS, from October 21st, 2009 "On the Table" -

Nobuki Ebisawa. Honda’s chief of design tells Automotive News that at one point the young designers reporting to him were doing designs that were too flashy and emotional and that they needed to be dialed back. Huh? You have got to be kidding, right? We certainly didn’t see a danger of that happening. He did redeem himself - but only somewhat - by saying that the new Honda CR-Z hybrid sports car – a design we like very much – was an example of the design dynamic he likes for future Hondas. But then he seemed to be still puzzled as to go how to go about defining the distinction between Honda and Acura. Still? If you’re still grappling with the distinction between the two, maybe it’s time to take a nice, long vacation and let someone else tackle the problem.
Please! Honcho you should have been there for the Pilot debut. Fukui was like "so here is the new Pilot " pause no one said a word. He then asked so what do you think. Honest to God no one said anything. I felt bad for him.

They keep releasing boring stuff though. Honda the new old Toyota lol

Ha! Figures. You know, a global automotive leader makes products for all its market segments. There is a sports car market segment. Yes, it may grow and shrink with the economy, but it is there. These people buy 911's, M3's, Vettes and Mustangs. Toyota sells to them (FT-86, LF-A). Nissan sells to them (370Z, GT-R). Honda? We get the CRZ. Awesome.