Great meeting our fellow owners to the South! Lets do it again!


Legendary Member
25 August 2005
Just got back from NSXPO 20,007 (my flux capacitor is broken now:wink: ) and wanted to say how great it was meeting the NE crowd who came.

The Ray Laks event in Buffalo was an awesome start to a memorable looong weekend of NSXs, beer, vodka, wine and laughter.

Although 8 Canadians drank and partied more than 80 Americans, I'll just chock that up to the exchange rate (1 American beer = .001 Canadian beers), and the fact that you can actually buy vodka that is 40 proof (shit, when I drank the first shot I thought someone was jerking my chain and gave me water!!!:eek: ) It was our pleasure hosting you at the "Canadian Embassy" and look forward to doing more in the future.

We are interested in planning an "Est Fest" (means east in french, Canadians speak french, although we deny it unless we're drunk) in the Thousand Islands area (near US Boarder Crossing used by General Brock in the war of 1812 for his march on Washington - bygones!

Anyway, I digress, how many of you would consider attending a spring weekend (Saturday Night Stay-over - Canadian for "drinking party") in the Thousand Island area? And if so what month?
If you set up it, we will come. The NE doesnt mind driving. It only took my 9 hours and 15 minutes to get home from XPO.:biggrin:
I hate that i could not make it to Nsxpo but if u plan this Canada/US get together at the right time I don't mine taking a road trip...

Great to have met you guys too. Your Canadian spring get together idea sounds great!! Funny about the Vodka, I left the embassy and thought, damn I can sure hold my liquor:):):).

Next time, we drink "NY" Canadian Club, that will fix it:)!!!!!

Looking forward to our next get together.

I was wondering has there been any Large NSXprime get togethers in Toronto before?
Funny about the Vodka, I left the embassy and thought, damn I can sure hold my liquor:):):).

Actually, you were drinking Grey Goose, full proof - it just took a while to find it!!!! The adrenalin from laughing helps the alcohol go down!:biggrin: :wink:

Next time, we drink "NY" Canadian Club, that will fix it:)!!!!!

Canadian Club? Thats the stuff we put in baby's bottle up here!:wink:
I was wondering has there been any Large NSXprime get togethers in Toronto before?

Large? the biggest was at my house when we launched the NSX Club of Canada - about 50-60 people.

We have a monthly dinner every 2nd Thursday and all "driving season" at least one other event a month.

We're applying to hold NSXPO '09 in Toronto - if we win it we promise you won't remember ALL of the weekend!:wink: :biggrin:
good luck on your 2009 ap!!!
you guys are a scream.:rolleyes:
we are gonna need some room,
we're spastic americans....:tongue:
good luck on your 2009 ap!!!
you guys are a scream.:rolleyes:
we are gonna need some room,
we're spastic americans....:tongue:

And the parking lot is empty...just like most of the handicapped spots in the world!

We gotta come up with a special rider you guys put on bills so that if your car is an NSX you get to park in those spots! - Gotta love us politics, we don't have riders you can put on bills - the Canadian Senate has no power whatsoever - they just get paid to show up and vote, the votes don't count. Probably because we're sooo much poorer than the USA, we simply can't afford the Pork! :)
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Yeah, what's up with that watered down booze you guys have? I had to hit up 3 places before we found anything that resembled alcohol!

You will find NONE of that up here when you come in the Spring!

The driving around looking for real booze seriously impacted my (and Sean's) drinking time!

Come to 'Est Fest, y'all.

Our turn to host.
You guys need to get some sleep and take your vitamins so you can join the 1am drinking crowd!
You have all winter to practice up - I'd recommend starting with that 40 proof supermarket vodka, once you can put back a 40 pounder by yourself you MAY have a chance of keeping up with the Canadians!