Great deal... if it's true.

Sounds reasonable. Get a phone number and check it out in the area if you are there.. or get someone in the area to do it.

If he says "send me money in ubzechistan.." then you know its a scam and report it to craigslist and the FBI..
Yeah, no kidding... GREAT deal if true. Be sure to post if you follow up on it.
just called its sold

As it should be. Any serious buyer would snatch that up immediately and not waste time thinking if a one owner, 22k mile NSX for $24k is a good deal. A 10 second check of the market in the classified ads will tell you this car is an amazing deal.
just called its sold

poor guy opened up kelly blue book and went right from there. shakes head, why can't I ever find one of those. the seller never knew what hit him. was anyone kind enough to tell him he undersold it by about $6K? :biggrin:
Damn, if I would have known, I'd be driving 2 nsx's now!