GPW NSX for sale in Chicago land

the front end doesnt look like it lines up right.

and anytime someone will not let you PPI the car or not allow you to look at the records WALK AWAY. did you get the VIN number so someone can do a search for it?
I tried but the father/owner got irritated and therefore my "red flag" went off and I walked away immediately...bad things can happen fast...not worth my time...
I e-mailed them to get the vin so i could do a carfax on it they never replied. so there is something going on with this car,

you should have got the VIN damn it man. LOL

I say when ever any of us go look at an NSX we should write the VIN down and post that we looked at it.

next time guys
GPW are hard to fine and one without hidden history is almost impossible
But I am sure you guys all know that :biggrin
In May he started a thread as a new owner. Post 18 lists the VIN.

hahah, i totally remember seeing that thread and the craigslist ad, but didnt put the 2 together. Wasnt expecting someone to try to sell it so fast after such a big purchase. Maybe the smoked corner light threw me off.

Bummer, i was excited wondering if its in museum quality condition:frown: