Gotham Racing 2


Experienced Member
7 May 2004
Aurora, IL
The thread below this one got me thinking.

Would anyone be interested in playing Gotham 2 Live some evening? I think it might be fun to get a bunch of Prime folks racing cyber NSXs across the information superhighway!
thats a cool idea. when i lived in the dorms i had a neighbor with xbox live and it was awesome. it's so much better than racing the computer. it was really difficult cuz i just had all the default cars in each class cuz none of my game was saved on my neighbors xbox. but i dont have xbox live or a xbox so i dont really know why im in this thread, just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
I haven't played Live in a while, and I thought it would be neat to start playing it with a group of people again. My buddy who has a Z06 and me with an NSX would race each other with the same cars in Gotham. It's really a lot of fun. Then when we get bored, I'll switch to a 911 GT1 and he'll take the Enzo! It's a blast to race on Nurburgring!