Got a ride in an F355 Spider 6-spd!!

11 October 2000
irvine, california
Well it all started when i was at the driving range, and i heard a deep rumble coming from somewhere and i saw nothing when i looked to the parking lot, then i saw a 5 series drive by so i thought it might be an M5 or something of that sort, then about 2 minutes later i heard it again and saw a red nose behind the club house, so i threw down my golf club and started running in it's direction (who wouldnt?). I finally arrived to my destination to find the driver stepping out of the car, so i kindly said "nice car" and he said "thanx", and naturally we started talking and it came to the time for me to ask for a ride which i jumped at, so we continued talking and i found out many interesting things, like that his other car is an FD! and hes drivin tons of other cars including lambos, 360s, and other exotics like that. Before i could go on that drive i had to finish all of my balls that i was hitting at the time, and wait for him to finish as well, when we both finally finished it was time for us to go on a drive. We both got in the car (which was damn low!) and he fired it up, 8 pistons a-banging, and god did it sound sweet, he pulled out of the parking lot rather hot, and jesus could this car turn! It truly did feel like it was on rails, and never before have i felt a car turn like it had. He finally pulled out of the parking lot, and the car sprang to life, flying down the street faster and faster hearing that awesome V8 sing beautiful notes which would not be found in any other place other then a serenade by Mozart. Each gear brought us faster and faster, lurching forward like a bat out of hell, and then came a turn which was executed like nothing other, sliding all the way around it as if the car knew where to go, no body roll at all, just a pure flat turn which is only drempt of by us meer mortals. Then came a beautiful long straight, all the way up to 8500, then into 2nd up to 8500 again, the car got to 60 faster then anything ive ever seen (other then carcrazy's car of course). Suddenly the ride had to end, and i felt like i didnt have enough, because once you're on you cant get off, its like crack! Once the ride was over the guy left me with this, a sweet longing to own a Ferrari sound machine, and i will, my life depends on it!

me want NSX, me 16 (no license yet), me no have NSX =( but me do 3d art
There's a lot to like about the F355. It's probably more similar to the NSX than any other car out there, in every way except price. It is NOT head and shoulders better than the NSX (although it may be head and shoulders louder than the NSX.) There are plenty of comparisons at

Actually, I find the NSX to be a far more impressive accomplishment, considering that the performance is so similar, even though the purchase price of the F355 is 50 percent more, and the price of routine maintenance is obscene ($4K for a 15K service).

Finally, keep in mind that ANY car seems about twice as fast from the passenger seat than it does from the driver's seat...
I personally vouch for the sound...there's just something completely intoxicating about it. I also feel that the F355 sounds better than the 360...but hey it's just an opinion. However, as much as I love Ferraris, I think the NSX is an incredible car. Both are awesome machines and both will more than satisfy most people's penchant for sublime driving experiences. If you have the means...I think the NSX would make a great daily car, while a 355 a 3-4 times a week driver. That is of course if you can afford to do so... like Doug (NSX Files). ^_^ Lucky B.

Dreams...gotta get one...either/or.

P.S. Ditto on the maintenace costs...rediculously high. There might be slightly more amount of work into the routine maintenance but definitely not enough to warrant those rates.

Got dat ol' vee six cilnder inder?
When I drove my boss' 355, the only thing that REALLY stood out from the NSX was the sound and the firmness of the clutch pedal. In all fairness, I was driving her in the rain and didn't get to open her up...but the overall feel was very remniscent of my NSX.

Now if I can only convince my coworker to let me drive his new 360 when it arrives later this week
355, 360 later this week? Geez.
You guys all make too much.
parking lot must look like a Ferrari
dealership. What is this, San Jose?
I got a ride in a friend's 360 w/ a Tubi exhaust on it...the most awesome sounding car I've ever been in...sure maintenance costs are high and it only runs one week a month...but if I had the money, sure, why not get one? Quite an experience...oh, and when it came time for me to drive I wussed out. The owner told me that's ok since the only other guy to not want to drive his 360 had totalled his McLaren F1 by putting it into a curb. Hmmmm. So now I'm in the same catagory as guys who total their F1s. Bummer.
355, 360 later this week? Geez.
You guys all make too much.

I wish that were true. I'm just lucky I was able to save enough over the past ten years to buy my own NSX.

I should add that this particular coworker also drives a '97 black/black NSX-T. He says he is keeping his NSX, so I'm guessing he will continue using the NSX as his daily driver once he picks up his bright yellow 360 (TODAY I am told).
If we're talking sounds, the one of the coolest cars I've ever herd is my NSX with a REMUS exhaust. it was on the car when I bought it and it sounds great. people always asks if it's a v-12 in the back. it sounds very boxer-6 in a funny way, low and aggressive without being to noisy.