got a lil rain today

Look at it this way, you just increased your property value by 35%, now that you have a water front home. :D
autobody tech said:
all in 20 min.:confused: this is the little creek behind the house that you could usually run and jump over!

If you are Carl Lewis! I am just up the street in Manchester and I thought my gutters were clogged but the rain was so heavy that the pipes the gutter lead into couldn't drain fast enough!

On the bright side - I should get an award for all the ants I am boarding while where ever they came from got washed away. At least I am finding where my 3 kids have been hiding all their food outside of the kitchen!

Might as well start building the Ark in Missouri lately. I had a problem with my gutters as well. The top one was clogged as well so I had to climb all the way up there with an old crappy ladder. I damn near killed myself with my top layer of my roof being fairly steep. Once I got up there, I found a plastic ball my neighbors kid hit up there when playing wiffle ball. Fit perfectly into the drain and clogged it. Ugh! :) Here's where I had to go. Picture is a little fuzzy and was taken at dusk so I had to brighten it up to see. Man I could not be a roofer for a living.


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You guys are lucky, The water is staying outside of your homes.
I got the water, the ants, spiders, and other smelly things hiding in Casa De' Musgray....