Gorgeous day for a drive today!

15 January 2003
Rye Brook, NY, USA
So, the NSX hasn't been getting an equal amount of love from me lately with the new toy in the garage, but today was it's turn. I took the car down to W Plains Hospital to visit with my mother for a little bit, then came out, took off the top and went for a ride to do a few errands. I'm stopped at a light and a beat up old Accord pulls up next to me with a few "gents" @ my age in the car, they roll down the windows and start with "damn, that's beautiful, good for you, what is it some kind of Ferrari?" I say no, and one of the other guys pipes in and says; "no you fool, that's either a lambo or some kind of Fiat!" I respond as the light's turning and it's time to get going, "no it's a Honda, just like your car" and pulled away to some very confused looks. I can't be sure, but I think that even at noon, they were a "few sheets to the wind", still gets the looks and comments, still a great ride. I do love driving the NSX, and on a day like today with the top off, and the crisp fall air, some Led Zepplin playing, you don't even miss the power of the Ford, you're glad that you've got this as a "stablemate". Damn, I'm one fortunate guy!!!:wink:
I hate you lol. Comments like these makes me feel like I should just get an NSX next year and enjoy it while I can vs following the more proper approach to ownership which would probably take another 4 years. Either way thanks for sharing the details it at least gives me something to look forward to :).

I feel the same way since I got the 996tt as my daily driver. The NSX does not get it'e fair share of road use but when I get into it I am reminded how pleasant a car it really is. The tt has 50% more power and a very tight suspension but honestly the NSX is a better touring driver and definetly gets a lot more attention. It was a lot of fun on the BM drive yesterday. We are both very lucky in deed.

Midnight, just go and get one, the prices have never been lower and as we head into winter the selection may go down but the prices should be rock bottom. In todays money market if you keep cash in the bank you get nothing for it, if you put it into an early NSX you should get it all back when you sell it in the future and really get more enjoyment out of it than in a bank. Though you do have to have the disposable income to do this in the first place, so if that is the issue, hang in there and save, but if not, go for it as you can't take it with you.


I feel the same way since I got the 996tt as my daily driver. The NSX does not get it'e fair share of road use but when I get into it I am reminded how pleasant a car it really is. The tt has 50% more power and a very tight suspension but honestly the NSX is a better touring driver and definetly gets a lot more attention. It was a lot of fun on the BM drive yesterday. We are both very lucky in deed.

Midnight, just go and get one, the prices have never been lower and as we head into winter the selection may go down but the prices should be rock bottom. In todays money market if you keep cash in the bank you get nothing for it, if you put it into an early NSX you should get it all back when you sell it in the future and really get more enjoyment out of it than in a bank. Though you do have to have the disposable income to do this in the first place, so if that is the issue, hang in there and save, but if not, go for it as you can't take it with you.

50% more power is nice, 200% more is addictive, and yet when I get in the NSX, the joy is still there, makes you appreciate all the fine things in life!!!!
You have 900 HP???:eek:


or did you mean:


The NSX is supposedly 290 at the crank which would = about 250 at the wheel, the GT is putting out almost 700 to the wheels, you do the math!!!!:eek: Yeah it's fast, and more power than I need, but it's a lot of fun!!!!
Henry Ford would be proud ......................... however, he would want it in black! :rolleyes:
The NSX is supposedly 290 at the crank which would = about 250 at the wheel, the GT is putting out almost 700 to the wheels, you do the math!!!!:eek: Yeah it's fast, and more power than I need, but it's a lot of fun!!!!


So I guess you do have just under 900hp at the motor, I didn't realize that....dang that's a lot! It has got to be a lot of work from keeping it from wrapping around a tree if you stomp on it, sounds scary, especially around Holloween. :smile:

Enjoy and be safe,
