Good traffic lawyer recommendations?

16 March 2001
East Bay, CA, USA
My son got a ticket recently. He was not driving the NSX!

Apparently the cop said he only pulled him over because the car matched the description of a homicide (!) suspect. However the ticket is for misdemeanor exhibition of speed, a nasty ticket. Any tire squealing was minor and incidental to a low-speed turn, according to my son.

My son needs a clean record to gain a Coast Guard certification later. Given the number of ways a novice can mess up, and the number of tricks a local hot shot traffic lawyer knows, I believe that hiring a lawyer would be cost-effective. It would probably be a DUI specialist, even though this case should be much easier.

My son had traffic school a little less than a year ago, so I don't think he could get that again without major cooperation from the judge. I have two questions:

1. Do you guys have recommendations? The court is in Oakland, I believe.

2. Is a contingency fee arrangement legal for this? E.g., $X for eliminating the misdemeanor, $Y for traffic school, $Z for a dismissal?
traffic school and now another ticket?

" I swear dad I wasnt speeding "

we have all said that before to our parents.

and my parents always thought I would never BEND the truth a little.

a story for ya

there was this famous Lawyer and he has more money that most, well

his son was driving his Caddy and hit a women doing an u-turn

she died instantly. they took the DATA from the Caddies ECU and showed
he was speeding. normally the average joe would be in jail. but all that
money got him off, the father only had to pay the victims 5 Million dollars.

a year later this same lawyers son was playing with a Shot gun and blew his GF's foot off.

moral of story is you can only sheild the child for so long till its in vein.

you speed you get points. and after 3 years of no tickets its off your record anyway.
but if he is prone to getting a ticket every year then he will probably never KEEP
your clean driving record with-out your help.
since your keeping it clean for him. and not the other way around.

my dad would say " MAN UP TO YOUR ACTIONS " and take the hit.

just my 2 cents.
traffic school and now another ticket?

" I swear dad I wasnt speeding "

we have all said that before to our parents.

and my parents always thought I would never BEND the truth a little.

a story for ya

there was this famous Lawyer and he has more money that most, well

his son was driving his Caddy and hit a women doing an u-turn

she died instantly. they took the DATA from the Caddies ECU and showed
he was speeding. normally the average joe would be in jail. but all that
money got him off, the father only had to pay the victims 5 Million dollars.

a year later this same lawyers son was playing with a Shot gun and blew his GF's foot off.

moral of story is you can only sheild the child for so long till its in vein.

you speed you get points. and after 3 years of no tickets its off your record anyway.
but if he is prone to getting a ticket every year then he will probably never KEEP
your clean driving record with-out your help.
since your keeping it clean for him. and not the other way around.

my dad would say " MAN UP TO YOUR ACTIONS " and take the hit.

just my 2 cents.

Shawn, I think you are again going down a slippery slope. The OP is looking for advice/help, and, I'd take the tact of not assuming (as I perceive implied by your comments) his son needs to learn a lesson. As a parent of 21 and 19 year old girls, my position is to mold them, advise them, and provide balanced guidance for what I know I'll be doing the rest of my life. The OP may be doing just that, he made no reference in his post to any coaching/guidance provided to his son.
I hired a lawyer who appeared to be quite competent in this area. When the case went to court it was a traffic case only, not a misdemeanor. The cop didn't show up, so there was no cost beyond the lawyer's flat fee.

I have no idea if this result was 100% luck or if some special skill was involved on the part of the lawyer. However I like the result, and there have been no subsequent traffic tickets.
Just go in and plead not guilty. When the trial date comes, just hope the officer does not show so the case will be dismissed. If he does show, just ask the judge to request 12 hour traffic school and present the case that he is trying to get into the Coast Guard. The judge should let him do the traffic school for 12 hours and dismiss the case. It has always worked for me. That is what my attorney recommended for me years ago. I am not an attorney but have spent some time in the courtroom. LOL.