Good start for convertible conversion

23 May 2005
Most of the work is already done.:biggrin:


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Wow, It melted the driver door pretty bad. I wonder if the top just melted or was cut off. It looks like someone poured gasoline in the interior and lit it.
"I think it's disturbing that someone would take photos of this and post it online. It's very disrespectful... this car was someone's pride and joy.

moderator.. please delete this thread." *

This is worst than the cat thread! :eek: :biggrin:
man i saw this the other day and was thinking about posting it, but i just couldn't deal with looking at the pics or have others look at it so i decided against it. :(
Aluminum, depending on the alloy, melts around 1270F. Get an engine fire and you are well above that range.

I've seen several picutres of 'melted' NSX's. The good about it is that the insurance company won't want to try to repaire a burnt one.
"I think it's disturbing that someone would take photos of this and post it online. It's very disrespectful... this car was someone's pride and joy.

moderator.. please delete this thread." *

This is worst than the cat thread! :eek: :biggrin:

Actually these are just a few photos from a current Ebay auction for the vehicle, so if you feel so strongly your welcome to buy and return the vehicle to being respectable.