Good performance car shop for nsx

17 February 2009
Hi everyone!! Does anybody know a very good high quality trust worthy performance car shop for nsx in new jeresy? Like change performance shocks and springs sways bar or well known of nsx!! Please help!! Thank you so much whoever can help!! I am living in Ewing!!
PM Mike aka "the Kid".
I can tell what shops definitely NOT to go to from personal experience, owning over 40 cars, and doing much tech work myself. I would not recommend Larry for several reasons, and Davis Acura tried to horribly overcharge me and then yesterday just told me they won't take my car in because they can't make any money on it. PM me and I will recommend someone to you and help you in any other way I can.

I can also recommend Larry Bastanza, nobody knows the car better (Bernie at Davis would also be tops) is more fair, and a pleasure to deal with. Call or pm me for any assistance, or questions.
Larry B. is definitely the best choice if you don't mind going over the border into Warwick, New York (Orange County). Aside from being the NSXCA President, he is the most knowledgeable NSX tech that you will find. My '96 has 119,000 miles and 75 track days all due to his expertise.

If you have any doubts, search Larry on Prime and also search those who claim to have had "negative" experiences and you will learn quickly that if anyone ever had a bad word about Larry it was due to, let's say, "personality issues" with the person fabricating information and passing it off as a "complaint".
Nsx27, it was great talking to you. I will also be installing new suspension on my car in the next week, maybe my guy can do both cars on the same day. Look forward to meeting up with you this weekend. Frank
I've been down this road before ........... many shops, dealerships and independents and the same thing always comes back to haunt.

Get someone who "truly" knows what the hell they are doing!

Haven't known him long, but I believe ...... Larry is that someone.
Just saying, regardless of what Ondrovic says (who himself has been banned from here), Larry cancelled my job with no personality issues whatsoever. I knew Larry for years and then while we were talking on the cel phone he decides he doesn't want to do the work he told me he would do because he feels my parts won't arrive in time, then two seconds later says he decided he won't work on my car at all. I later found out what really happened. This is also after quoting me an extremely high rate for the work needed. I am only posting this in response to OP's question.
Probably the wrong thread to put this info on, but the proof is in the pudding as they say.....................The above poster, who for whatever reasons he sees necessary to bash both RSO and Larry B, should know that once again RSO has trumped me at a car show, and because of Larry's excellent work. While neither one of us won an award, in the category that we thought we would, Bob took home the award for "Best Tuner Car", so Larry, he owes you!!!!:eek:
Just saying, regardless of what Ondrovic says (who himself has been banned from here), Larry cancelled my job with no personality issues whatsoever. I knew Larry for years and then while we were talking on the cel phone he decides he doesn't want to do the work he told me he would do because he feels my parts won't arrive in time, then two seconds later says he decided he won't work on my car at all. I later found out what really happened. This is also after quoting me an extremely high rate for the work needed. I am only posting this in response to OP's question.

Yes, it's true I was suspended for a couple of weeks as a result of posting a new thread in violation of a rule I didn't know existed. That thread consisted of information I obtained on my own time and at my own expense to assist the members of our community who were ripped off by Tamoske. There was a rule not to start a new thread about Tamoske (with said rule being buried in post #5 in a thread I never saw) and I obtained Tamoske's bank information to allow for others to try to seek legal recourse on his account.

Here is the post for which I was "suspended":

And here is the thread into which my post was merged (note it was never deleted despite my temporary suspension for a technical violation starting a new thread):

However, you have been proven to be a pathological liar and someone who has threatened physical violence against our members AND THEIR FAMILIES to such an extent that police reports have been filed. Your "story" about Larry is total and utter b.s. and is a continuing pattern of your unabashed disregard for the truth.

As always, if anyone has any doubts about a member's credibility, or lack thereof, just search their posts. To the OP, you can follow the multiple recommendations given for Larry or you can listen to this guy but if you do, please don't come back to us and not expect us to say "we told you so".
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TurboLexus it Couldn’t have anything to do with the death threats to Larry and his family:rolleyes: Please take you BS somewhere else its getting old. Larry cancelled your job because of your personality issues, threats, and lack of patience.

Go to any steelership had have your work done see what it cost you, to have some guy with Zero experience w/ the NSX work on you car. Larry did a ton of work on my car as well as numerous NSXs in the Northeast he knows the NSX inside and out has always been fare and honest. So far he has replaced my trans snap ring issue JDM short gears w/NSX-R final drive and adjusted the diff to NSX-R specks and put a new clutch, TB/WP service (she has never run so good by the way) replaced all the coolant hoses, flushed the coolant and braking system, (stops on a dime) and adjusted the valves for free. I cant say enough good things about the guy why anyone would go any place else is beyond me. Especially if your local. He is the President of NSXCA for a reason. And happens to be one of the best NSX mechanics around. Search the forum he is always going out of his way to help someone out.

A few of the links that turned up where Larry is going out of his way to help people...
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While neither one of us won an award in the category that we thought we would, Bob took home the award for "Best Tuner Car", so Larry, he owes you!!!!:eek:

Thanks to Larry and Joe Lomoriello/Pbassjo/Vince's Auto Body, I came home with another notch on the belt for a 13 year old car with 119,000 miles on the ticker....

But the best part - - - I beat Roger!


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TurboLexus it Couldn’t have anything to do with the death threats to Larry and his family:rolleyes: hp?

Here we go again with the lies...always with the lies. Never threatened Larry whatsoever, he'll tell you himself, you are embarrassing yourself. I can see I am wasting my time, just trying to reply to the poster's question and I get jumped on again, but I will not bother anymore. So tired of being jumped on for posting an honest bad experience with someone who I also personally know for many years BTW. So obviously not a personality issue. Anyway I don't want to take away from the thread so I will end this little aside here and now.
Here we go again with the lies...always with the lies. Never threatened Larry whatsoever, he'll tell you himself, you are embarrassing yourself. I can see I am wasting my time, just trying to reply to the poster's question and I get jumped on again, but I will not bother anymore. So tired of being jumped on for posting an honest bad experience with someone who I also personally know for many years BTW. So obviously not a personality issue. Anyway I don't want to take away from the thread so I will end this little aside here and now.

Yes, here we go again with YOUR lies, always YOUR lies. You DID threaten Larry and others. He did confirm this. You are being "jumped" on because you are a cancer to this community so why don't you follow up on your prior "threat" and make it a "promise" to "buy European" and darken someone else's forum.

You are clueless about the concept of "honesty" and YOU have been the constant problem in all your failed transactions based upon YOUR personality issues and constant and repeated threats of violence against long standing and highly respected members of our community.
You really are a mental case man, Larry will tell you himself I never threatened him or spoke with him in any disrespectful manner, I tried to end it and you keep going. There is a long record of you going after guys whether they are innocent or not. YOU THREATENED TO HAVE THE POLICE COME TO MY HOUSE AND HANDCUFF ME, BECAUSE YOU SAID I THREATENED JOE LOMORIELLO. I AM FRIENDS WITH JOE AND DO BUSINESS WITH HIM, I HAD TO HAVE HIM CALL YOU AND HAVE YOU CEASE AND DESIST. NOW YOU SAY I THREATENED LARRY, STOP WITH THE LIES! You have a history on here of going after ppl because it apparently does something for you, but you have no interest whatsoever in the facts and there is proof that you sir are the one who did something they shouldn't have and that is why you were banned, NOT ME. As I have repeatedly told you, Larry himself will tell you there was never any conflict or threats, i've known him for years. Now I will make one more attempt to return this thread to where the TS intended it to go, I am not seeking conflict, was just giving honest feedback of what happened to me. No one should get attacked for that. :frown:
19 responses (4 of them yours) over 400 "views" and you're the only one railing against Larry and against RSO, did you ever think that maybe it's "you". You continue to try and discredit some of the most honorable human beings to inhabit this planet and this forum, maybe you should sell your car and just move on!
Turbo,reread this thread and tell me how rational, and coherent the OP sounds. Just move on from this issue.No one ever gets the last word on the internet.There is never a clear winner or loser.Concentrate on you and your family ie new daughter and be happy that you have stated your displeasures with these individuals on the record.
NSX27, it was nice to meet you this weekend and see your car. Im glad you were happy with the way your coil over set up cameout. Mike is a great mechanic, who is very meticulous and cautious. Talk to you soon for the other upgrades you want to do. FRank
LarryB is broadly acknowledged as an expert on the NSX, has contributed extensively to this forum and NSXCA, and would be my choice if I lived within 100 miles of him.