Good Bye guys...

10 December 2002
Well guys, Its time for loNfastNSX to ride off into the sunset. As many of you guys know, Things are difficult for me right now and I have decided to make many changes in my life. One of which is Im selling the NSX.

To all my friends that I have made through Prime. Thank you for being the truly wonderful people you are. You guys have made owning the car only a bonus. The true rewards I have recieved from this car are you guys, and your friendship. All my brothers in Houston and Austin, you guys are absolutly the finest people I have ever had the honor to meet and call my friends.

I will be an occasional lurker her on Prime, but not as much. Most of you guys have my personal numbers and I hope you will use them from time to time. If not then shoot me a PM and Ill fill you in on the contact info.

Again guys, a sincere thanks from my heart.

Partick Hart
loNfastNSX :frown:
I agree. Things will change for the better.
Just because you don't have an NSX right now, doesn't mean you aren't part of the family still. Hope you have another fun ride soon. :smile:
you'll be missed...and you'll come back :rolleyes: