Yo, lost boi, it's your birthday, don't get lost, have a happy and healthy birthday, now someone give him a dancing spidey!!:wink:
Yo, lost boi, it's your birthday, don't get lost, have a happy and healthy birthday, now someone give him a dancing spidey!!:wink:
Debate my butt, I saw the ad posted up already, you know you want to keep it, you'd be lost (boi) without us!!!WHAAAZZUP???!!!
Lol...hope everyone is doing well! Just getting settled here and am in the midst of a debate on whether to keep my car or not...EEEEK!
3 weeks and counting till I have to make the fianl decision.
Other than that, things are going ok. Haven't been anywhere but OC and the Inland Empire. Going to Vegas this weekend for a couple of days to hang out with some NY peeps.
Well, gonna get back to unpacking and organizing. Thanks for the bday messages. KIT.
Aigh...Rich OUT.
Debate my butt, I saw the ad posted up already, you know you want to keep it, you'd be lost (boi) without us!!!
Its gonna be official at the end of the week. Car is going back to Acura. Got an RL this week which isnt quite the same but its a pretty awesome car. I see another in my future though...
Can't wait to see this show up somewhere and when they post owned by a non-smoker, you know I'm gonna speak up!!!