Golf channel iPad app

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Anyone use this app on the iPad? I really like it,but my sound never works on the videos. Anyone have this problem? I have no clue how to fix it.
Mine works fine. I just listened to the video w/sound on the Shell Houston Open Group 3. Maybe you can delete it and purchase it again? It is free.
Mine works fine. I just listened to the video w/sound on the Shell Houston Open Group 3. Maybe you can delete it and purchase it again? It is free.

No difference. I plugged in headphones to see if it played through them. it does. Can you not listen to the videos without headphones?
No difference. I plugged in headphones to see if it played through them. it does. Can you not listen to the videos without headphones?

No problem with the app. Go into settings, general and check Use side switch to mute, sounds, lock sounds, etc. also, go out of general and into music and check volume limit.