God speed Tom Kohrs

4 April 2002
Sacramento CA
Since Tom is sailing away and purposely avoiding daily Email and such, I doubt he'll ever see this post, so I'll just say that it was good to see him last night on the eve of his multi-year sailing odyssey. I've enjoyed knowing him especially when I was active in the early years of the Sacto Chapter. Fond memories of autocrossing and trackdays. Tom and I were the 2 NSX's doing Thunderhill with Doug Gale in his first trackday. It was 107F.

It was a long, sometime bumpy but always interesting road for the Sacto Chapter in the early years and Tom did way more than his share of the work. I can only guess how much work he did as NW rep. In my experience, he's a fair and squared away guy; if you happen to be on the opposite side of an issue, he was always available to "reach across the aisle" to resolve things.

Good luck out there Tom. The sea is unforgiving.
I met Tom from last year's Laguna Seca event and all I can say is "What a great guy". He's been more than accommodating to everyone including me despite him being busy managing all aspects of the event.

Goodluck to you Tom and be safe out there.

Best Regards,
Yeah, sounds like it's going to be an amazing journey!

Wish Tom all the best :smile:
Thanks Tom for all your enthusiasm, work, and contributions over the years.
I don't know Tom but that's one heck of a plan. Best wishes. Hope to read about the experience and maybe plot something similar for myself in the future. :smile:
Agree...Tom is very approachable and a great leader too. The only thing is he wishes to be in the NSX right now instead of battling through the rough waves:biggrin:, but it will definitely be an experience sailing out there in the open sea and having free feeling. Wish him the best.
Be safe out there Tom! If you need someone to drive your NSX while you're gone, then don't look any further. Seriously, thanks for your years of service:smile: