God Bless America!

15 June 2002
Palm Beach Florida
I will never forget the day that our country and our world was changed forever. We will never view our freedom the same way again.

My prayers go out to all the families who suffered on 9/11/01.
100% agreed.

I am in the NYC area, and I can vividly remember the scene from my office window, across from NYC about 20 miles away and seeing the smoke from the towers.

Still chilling one year later.

We must all remember how good we have it here.

I agree with our lives changing but we all must go forward and not be afraid. My family was personally effected with a lost family member. It has been a year of grief and hardship and we will always remember or family and also our friends who left us one year ago. OUR God will help us through these times!
YES, we must GO ON, but we should NEVER FORGET what happened, a lesson learned. I just wish that this topic got more reply than this because this is important (just go to show, some people just really don't care), think about it; If this kind of astrocity continue, trust me our lives would be disrupted in a very way that you wouldn't like, it's gonna be very hard for us to enjoy the NSX if god forbid something happened to our love one, that is just my opinion. On the other hand I hope those SOB that did this to my country sleep well at night, because there are good men out there, my buddies in Afghan and other places that's gonna pay them a visit at night eventually and get the job done. Hooah!
Unfortunatly it takes events like this to wake people up to the blessing that we have in the USA. Like many of you, it is still something I live with everyday and I didn't loose anyone personally. As a born again christian I know GOD has a plan, but I don't always see it. One year later people still suffer as the result of a godless act upon inocent men, women and children. God gives us a memory that we may recall things that happen to us personally, but its up to the individual to learn from what they have experienced. For me personally, it became clear that people, or entire nations would like nothing more than to eliminate our way of life. I refuse to watch any of the TV in regards to this event in history, not b/c I don't care. Tears came this morning as I listen to the radio, however I will not feel the same until the people, nations (etc.) are themselves made to pay the way those that lost the ones they loved on 9/11. As far as i'm concerned, this is far from over and I won't be please until they are in a box.
Originally posted by Deqle:
I just wish that this topic got more reply than this because this is important (just go to show, some people just really don't care)

Just because people don't choose to add a reply here, I wouldn't assume that they don't care about the topic. Maybe they have strong feelings but have trouble putting them into words, and/or choose not to share them with others here (or elsewhere).
My prayers also go out to all those who were effected by the horrible tragedy of 9/11. May God be with us!
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Just because people don't choose to add a reply here, I wouldn't assume that they don't care about the topic. Maybe they have strong feelings but have trouble putting them into words, and/or choose not to share them with others here (or elsewhere).
