GO VOTE (includes NSX content)

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26 April 2008
Sugar Land, TX
Just a reminder: GET OUT AND VOTE!

Your future, and the future of our country, depend on it!

(NSX content included...so we can all "approve of this message"...LOL!)
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One of the things in your picture is rare. Where I live, the other thing you can't go 200 feet without seeing.

Funny story,
Last week I was on yahoo reading comments on political articles. I come across this comment that says over on corvette forums most everyone is a Trump supporter. Because I don't have a lot of time to hang out on forums anymore I was gonna forget about it but then I thought I'd sign up to give them a heads up. I was thinking they might want to figure out who their rat is before the rat creates haters and idiots keying their cars etc. Anyways they banned me for giving them a heads up. That was totally unexpected. Oh well I tried.

I should add that the comment was nasty and directed at the people on the site.
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Lol I was waiting for a "political" thread.....This has been the wildest most polarizing contest in my lifetime.......and it will be very close...
I am not voting this year.....
rather than not vote for the two major parties through in a statistical protest with the libertarians:biggrin:
that's a vote for Marla..:wink:
If race relations could plummet to the worst I've experienced in my 4.5 decades during eight years of an African American president, and if a corrupt should-be-felon and short-fuse-egomaniac have been chosen as the best options out of thousands if not millions of options, have we already decided that a president doesn't matter, and/or a good president may be impossible to find anymore? :)
If race relations could plummet to the worst I've experienced in my 4.5 decades during eight years of an African American president, and if a corrupt should-be-felon and short-fuse-egomaniac have been chosen as the best options out of thousands if not millions of options, have we already decided that a president doesn't matter, and/or a good president may be impossible to find anymore? :)

indeed , the system is broke.....it becomes entirely too complicated trying to fix itself....a duality system needs checks and balances.....I think many Trump supporters hope its like a ctrl-alt-delete....
indeed , the system is broke.....it becomes entirely too complicated trying to fix itself....a duality system needs checks and balances.....I think many Trump supporters hope its like a ctrl-alt-delete....

I'd be ok with them wearing body cameras and a mic. Lol.
Instead of voting, just grab people by the pussy... I lean towards Trump but dayummm, how is this the best we got? Maybe we should stop wasting time here or on Facebook? Shit, I dunno. But, I also agree that Hill-dog should be incarcerated. Her voice is like nails on a chalk board for me. Shrrrreakkkkk!!!
Instead of voting, just grab people by the pussy... I lean towards Trump but dayummm, how is this the best we got? Maybe we should stop wasting time here or on Facebook? Shit, I dunno. But, I also agree that Hill-dog should be incarcerated. Her voice is like nails on a chalk board for me. Shrrrreakkkkk!!!

Without a doubt Trump said that. It's another ballgame if he's actually done it. I can't imagine he's done it and it's not made news. He's a billionaire, a well known one at that. In the litigious environment we live in, had he done it, he would've been sued within 5 seconds of doing so.

I have done an extensive amount of research on both candidates. Read almost 50% of what's on Wikileaks. Trump has faults but he's not evil. From the amount of research I've done I can say this, more is to come on Hilary if anyone puts 2 and 2 together which I'm sure they will.

The internet is VERY ripe for a non biased web page.
Without a doubt Trump said that. It's another ballgame if he's actually done it. I can't imagine he's done it and it's not made news. He's a billionaire, a well known one at that. In the litigious environment we live in, had he done it, he would've been sued within 5 seconds of doing so.

I have done an extensive amount of research on both candidates. Read almost 50% of what's on Wikileaks. Trump has faults but he's not evil. From the amount of research I've done I can say this, more is to come on Hilary if anyone puts 2 and 2 together which I'm sure they will.

The internet is VERY ripe for a non biased web page.

I approve this message. The media are full of bias, especially CNN ( Clinton News Network), NY Time, Washington Post.
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Can I write Honda/Senna on my ballet? Slogan. "Stirring souls and going for gaps that exist"
Even if partially the result of mostly like-minded folk, this is the nicest, most civil, non-bullying political discussion I've seen online. Kudos to Prime members. Though completely unnecessary, here are some soothing images to help maintain the calm logical civility this Friday.


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The internet is VERY ripe for a non biased web page.

I've been wishing for one for years, to read daily w/o flavor or bias. There has got to be a reasonably non-biased podcast for general world news and/or domestic news views & updates. Does anyone know of any to recommend? I tend to think a non-biased news podcast may be easier to find than a non-biased webpage, simply due to ease of production...podcasts are acceptable to be released every few days and at just an hour or more length, vs. a website that may be expected to be current 24/7. Very curious for any recommendations.
I voted for Hillary, and I look forward to her being our next President!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They should change the voting system, from electoral college vote to popular vote. Otherwise, your votes don't count. "Winner takes all" is BS system.
Can't believe i have to choose between these two. I may just squat over my ballot and vote for whichever one Mr. Hanky lands on.
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Without a doubt Trump said that. It's another ballgame if he's actually done it. I can't imagine he's done it and it's not made news. He's a billionaire, a well known one at that. In the litigious environment we live in, had he done it, he would've been sued within 5 seconds of doing so.

I have done an extensive amount of research on both candidates. Read almost 50% of what's on Wikileaks. Trump has faults but he's not evil. From the amount of research I've done I can say this, more is to come on Hilary if anyone puts 2 and 2 together which I'm sure they will.

The internet is VERY ripe for a non biased web page.

Ermmm, you do know that Trump has been sued dozens of times and will probably add another dozen to it after that whole access Hollywood skit. Which is sad because at first I hated Trump.But I cannot and will not vote for Hillary. Millennial's vote for Hillary because they never worked hard a day in their life. I am gen X. In my mind the world was never as f'd up as it is now under socialist democratic rule.
Maybe, if we all are not pleased with this election results, Prime members can come together and actually do something rather than complain about it? I feel helpless in the fact that what I stand for as many other do, is being sold away to the highest lobbying crooked politician. It's a piping hot mess and I feel I need to stop lying around and let it happen.
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