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Thanks for the positive feedback however I would not say that upper management is the only problem.  I place the problem collectively on the shoulders of upper management and the union.  I'd like to point out that I view the workers separately from the union - most of the workers are pawns caught between the union and upper management.


Top management has made tons of stupid decisions and run the company into the ground.  The unions did their share as well.  The UAW went on strike 3 times in the past 3 years, all while GM was bleeding money.  Earlier this year they struck at the plant making one of GM's best selling product lines - the Acadia/Outlook/Enclave crossover - purposely to inflict the maximum damage.


I think a good 80% of UAW workers would trade away their contract for a situation like counterparts at Honda's American manufacturing plants.  Sure, the pay may be somewhat lower but the job is certainly 10x more stable and AH has been paying year-end bonuses which the Big 3 have long stopped doing.  I think there is a reason why the UAW has not been able to unionize a single transplant factory in the US - the workers don't want it.


Even today, while the auto execs keep flying their private jets the union has 6,000 workers on the GM Job Banks program - people who are getting paid 98% of their pay but aren't assigned to any job or plant. 


The execs and Gettlefinger all don't get it, IMO.
