I posted a couple of weeks ago about cleaning the Throttle Body.
So yesterday I got a can of throttle body cleaner, removed the rubber boot and sprayed a total of ten seconds or so. This with the engine running. Note: the instructions on the can say to clean TB with the engine off???
Oh crap, on comes the "check engine" light on the dash. That light (when on) indicates an emission control problem. Cant' be damage to the O2 or catalytic converter, the can states it will not harm either. Ran the car for 10 minutes..no change.
Worried something was damaged, I pulled the clock fuse to reset the computer, light still on. Oh crap!!
Went to sleep last night thinking I had damaged one of the emission control devices.
This morning still worried I disconnected/reconnected the positive terminal of the battery and off went the light.
What beautiful sight that was.
Why did the sensor(s) not like the cleaner? Are the NSX emission controls unique or what?
BTW, throttle response is improved.
97-T @ 24K
So yesterday I got a can of throttle body cleaner, removed the rubber boot and sprayed a total of ten seconds or so. This with the engine running. Note: the instructions on the can say to clean TB with the engine off???
Oh crap, on comes the "check engine" light on the dash. That light (when on) indicates an emission control problem. Cant' be damage to the O2 or catalytic converter, the can states it will not harm either. Ran the car for 10 minutes..no change.
Worried something was damaged, I pulled the clock fuse to reset the computer, light still on. Oh crap!!
Went to sleep last night thinking I had damaged one of the emission control devices.
This morning still worried I disconnected/reconnected the positive terminal of the battery and off went the light.
What beautiful sight that was.
Why did the sensor(s) not like the cleaner? Are the NSX emission controls unique or what?
BTW, throttle response is improved.
97-T @ 24K