Glad To Know Everthing Is Okay

10 July 2000
El Dorado Hills, CA
I posted a couple of weeks ago about cleaning the Throttle Body.

So yesterday I got a can of throttle body cleaner, removed the rubber boot and sprayed a total of ten seconds or so. This with the engine running. Note: the instructions on the can say to clean TB with the engine off???

Oh crap, on comes the "check engine" light on the dash. That light (when on) indicates an emission control problem. Cant' be damage to the O2 or catalytic converter, the can states it will not harm either. Ran the car for 10 change.

Worried something was damaged, I pulled the clock fuse to reset the computer, light still on. Oh crap!!

Went to sleep last night thinking I had damaged one of the emission control devices.

This morning still worried I disconnected/reconnected the positive terminal of the battery and off went the light.

What beautiful sight that was.

Why did the sensor(s) not like the cleaner? Are the NSX emission controls unique or what?

BTW, throttle response is improved.

97-T @ 24K
Sounds like you pissed off the MAP's next on the NSX to just spray some of the TB cleaner onto a rag, and with the throttle plate open (on a 1991-94 NSX, just have someone push down the gas pedal with the ignition off, and on a 1995+ NSX, do the same but with the ignition on (don't start the car)), wipe off the junk around the butterfly and the backside of the butterfly. If you get crap onto the sensors, it can/will throw a CEL.

However, after the TB cleaner dries off, the sensors are typically fine...I wouldn't worry about it.

Likewise, I think you could have waited 1-2 hours for the TB cleaner to dry off, and then used the clock fuse reset trick, instead of disconnecting the battery.


[This message has been edited by HomeDepotNSX (edited 20 May 2002).]

Thanks for the feedback. As the can suggests, spray and wipe w/the engine off.

Since my low speed idle recently required adjustment (more air) I was also trying to clean that area as well. Don't think is possible to clean in the areas where the air screw is located without running the motor (i.e. force cleaner past/over/around the air screw.)

Not sure I accomplished that, but the response at the pedal feels better.

Again, I attribute the required cleaning process to the oil placed on the air filter supplied by Comptech, thus eventually getting into the throttle body.


[This message has been edited by NSX4U2 (edited 20 May 2002).]